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The San Antonio Symphony lovingly made that time as visible as possible Friday night with widely recorded New York pianist Jeremy Denk standing in for Mozart. The orchestra and Denk performed not one, but two popular Mozart concertos, Nos. 19 and 23.
Datum: 04-02-2017 06:03 | Bron: mySanAntonio.comWorld-renowned mezzo-soprano Alice Coote, regarded as one of the great artists of our day, joins pianist Julius Drake, known internationally as one of the finest instrumentalists in his field, for a performance of Schubert's Winterreise at 8 p.m ...
Datum: 03-02-2017 21:02 | Bron: Vanderbilt University NewsVind ook Ton Ouwehand, journalist en jazzkenner die jarenlang schreef voor de Twentsche Courant Tubantia, ook toen die nog niet zo heette en pas een boek met mooie verhalen over pianist en liedjesschrijver Harry Bannink schreef. Ton kan het weten.
Datum: 03-02-2017 09:29 | Bron: RTV OostJasper van 't Hof, geboren in Enschede (1947), groeide op met piano. Hoe kon het ook anders met een klassiek geschoolde zangeres als moeder en ...
Datum: 03-02-2017 09:00 | Bron: RTV OostZWIJNDRECHT - Zaterdag 18 februari verzorgt pianist Wouter Harbers (30) een fraai pianoconcert in de monumentale Oude Kerk in Zwijndrecht. Virtuositeit, sprankelend spel en een aantrekkelijk programma zijn de trefwoorden voor deze bijzondere pianist.
Datum: 03-02-2017 06:26 | Bron: Zwijndrecht de Kombinatie (persbericht) (Blog)Debussy looked east for inspiration, enthralled by Javanese gamelans and Japanese woodcuts. Toshio Hosokawa, born in Hiroshima in 1955, writes wispy music rooted in the western tradition. Pianist Momo Kodama grew up in Osaka and studied in Paris; ...
Datum: 02-02-2017 16:32 | Bron: The GuardianSILVER CITY — George Winston, one of the world's most recognized solo pianists, will be performing live in Light Hall Theater on Tuesday, Feb. 7. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., with the performance beginning at 7 p.m. Tickets are $25 per person. Winston has ...
Datum: 01-02-2017 23:38 | Bron: Silver City Sun-NewsPianist Ralph van Raat is een moedig man, want hij waagt zich aan 's werelds bekendste en meest geliefde jazzpiano-concert en album aller tijden: Keith Jarrett's 'The Köln Concert'. Dat doet hij vrijdag 10 februari in Paradox, Telegraafstraat 62 in ...
Datum: 01-02-2017 21:59 | Bron: Stadsnieuws Tilburg (persbericht) (Blog)Joey Alexander, the 13-year-old jazz pianist, broke ground after scoring two Grammy nominations last year, though he walked away from the ceremony ...
Datum: 01-02-2017 09:00 | Bron: BillboardJazzlegende Herbie Hancock (76, foto) komt op 7 juli naar Gent Jazz. De legendarische pianist maakte in de jaren zestig voor het platenlabel Blue Note opnames die ware klassiekers zijn geworden, was lid van het fameuze tweede kwintet van Miles Davis, ...
Datum: 01-02-2017 03:08 | Bron: Het NieuwsbladJoey Alexander, a 13-year-old jazz pianist, broke ground after scoring two Grammy nominations last year, though he walked away from the ceremony empty-handed. This year, he has another chance to win. He's nominated for best improvised jazz solo with ...
Datum: 01-02-2017 01:18 | Bron: Detroit Free PressAuthor, radio host, pianist, and arguably the nation's foremost expert on 20th-century pianists David Dubal had spent the morning practicing a masterpiece. He worked on Edvard Grieg's “Ballade in the Form of Variations on a Norwegian Folksong,” a piece ...
Datum: 31-01-2017 20:20 | Bron: The Epoch TimesBy the time she was in kindergarten, Viktoriya Yermolyeva's parents knew she had a rare talent. Recognizing her perfect pitch and prodigious skill on the piano, they quickly enrolled her in a a special school to be trained as a classical pianist and ...
Datum: 31-01-2017 16:00 | Bron: Global Voices OnlinePianist Drew Petersen plays the piano while working with Pike High School orchestra students, Monday, January 30, 2017, during an outreach visit in conjunction with the American Pianists Association. Once a month from September 2016 to February 2017, ...
Datum: 30-01-2017 22:21 | Bron: Indianapolis StarTo any immigration lawyers out there: I have a quick question. I've lived in the USA almost 18 years now. I am a permanent resident (Green Card holder), about to become a citizen (with double citizenship EU-USA). I travel in and out of the country a ...
Datum: 30-01-2017 10:37 | Bron: Slipped DiscSCHENECTADY — Russian pianist Alexander Melnikov made his debut Sunday afternoon at Union College's Memorial Chapel as part of the Union College Concert Series in a tour-de-force program that would have staggered a lesser pianist. He began with ...
Datum: 30-01-2017 00:08 | Bron: The Daily GazetteThe evening belonged, however, to pianist Yefim Bronfman, who bounced, pounced and soared through the concerto as if this ferocious enterprise were precocious child's play. With fingers seemingly made of flexible steel, he suggested Bychkov's ...
Datum: 28-01-2017 05:48 | Bron: Financial TimesSoest - Kamerorkest Soest geeft op zondag 29 januari een concert met pianist Sander Sittig. het vindt plaats in hotel Hilton Royal Parc in Soestduinen en begint om 15.30 uur. Kaarten kosten 16 euro, 10 euro voor jongeren tot 18 jaar en 11 euro voor ...
Datum: 28-01-2017 00:07 | Bron: Soest Nu (persbericht) (Blog)Russian pianist Denis Kozhukhin brought all of those qualities to Houston Public Media's Geary Studio when he stopped by this week for a special performance. He also chatted about his life and concerts this weekend with the Houston Symphony, in which ...
Datum: 27-01-2017 23:29 | Bron: Houston Public MediaRussian virtuoso pianist, Boris Berezovsky, is to play at London's Royal Festival Hall, Feb. 28. Recordings of the acclaimed musician's classical recitals have won top international prizes, including the BBC Music Magazine Award and the Choc de la ...
Datum: 26-01-2017 16:30 | Bron: Big News Network.comA world-renowned pianist will perform Sunday afternoon in a free concert at the University of Alabama's Moody Music Building Concert Hall. Cynthia Raim will perform pieces by classic composers Joseph Haydn, Béla Bartók, Claude Debussy, Franz Schubert ...
Datum: 25-01-2017 18:33 | Bron: Tuscaloosa NewsNEWTOWN - A prize-winning quartet will perform with an acclaimed pianist at a mid-February concert at Edmond Town Hall theater. The Telegraph Quartet, the ...
Datum: 23-01-2017 20:36 | Bron: Danbury News TimesPedja Muzijevic, a Bosnian-born pianist with a thirst for discovery, brought bracingly original music to the Dumbarton Oaks Museum on Sunday. Each half featured works by John Cage, surrounded by unusual 18th- and 19th-century selections. The theme ...
Datum: 23-01-2017 20:05 | Bron: Washington PostOOSTERBEEK De bekende Oosterbeekse pianist Daan Droogleever is zaterdag 14 januari overleden. Hij is bijna 99 jaar geworden. Velen hebben van hem pianoles gehad en volgden muziekcursussen bij hem thuis. Tot voor een paar weken heeft hij met ...
Datum: 23-01-2017 16:33 | Bron: HoogenlaagNIJVERDAL - De 15-jarige Arman van Dijk is de winnaar van Klassiek Talent 2017. De Almelose pianist ging er donderdagavond in het ZINiN Theater zowel met de hoofdprijs als met de publieksprijs vandoor.
Datum: 23-01-2017 13:50 | Bron: Tubantia