Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord pianist.
[OOSTERBEEK] De bekende Oosterbeekse pianist Daan Droogleever is zaterdag 14 januari overleden. Hij is bijna 99 jaar geworden. Velen hebben van hem ...
Datum: 23-01-2017 09:00 | Bron: HoogenlaagIt was a tale of two debuts. On Saturday night, French pianist Jean-Efflam Bavouzet and German conductor Johannes Debus made their first appearances with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra at Strathmore. The program of Rossini, Beethoven and Brahms ...
Datum: 22-01-2017 21:21 | Bron: Washington PostOp vrijdag 10 maart doet Bill 'de-gruwelijke-pianist-van-Snarky-Puppy' Laurance voor de vijfde (!) keer BIRD aan. En Bill is on a roll! Naast het droppen van twee solo-albums, bracht hij de afgelopen twee jaar ook nieuwe platen met Snarky Puppy uit.
Datum: 22-01-2017 12:21 | Bron: MaxazineVan straight-ahead jazz tot eigentijdse klassieke muziek: de Amerikaanse pianist en componist Craig Taborn is door zijn liefde voor improvisatie en experimenteren vertrouwd met vele muziekgenres. Hij werkt samen met zowel jonge jazzmuzikanten als ...
Datum: 22-01-2017 10:18 | Bron: MaxazineDe bekende Amerikaanse componist Philip Glass (31 jan 1937) studeerde in eerste instantie filosofie en wiskunde aan de Universiteit van Chicago. Maar omdat hij eigenlijk componist wilde worden schakelde hij na het behalen van zijn 'bachelors' over naar ...
Datum: 21-01-2017 00:10 | Bron: De Faam (persbericht) (Blog)De derde prijs - 150 euro - ging naar pianist Lesly Chen. Hij speelde het stuk Opus 65 van Edvard Grieg. De publieksprijs ging naar Trio Q-uasi. Zij speelden Opus 51 Pastorale en Opus 52 Nocturne van componist Carl Hillmann. Het trio won honderd euro.
Datum: 20-01-2017 22:29 | Bron: De StentorWatch Metallica's stunning performance of their thrash-metal song "One" with classical pianist Lang Lang.
Datum: 19-01-2017 18:37 | Bron: RollingStone.comAhead of tomorrow's inauguration of President Trump, British pianist David Shenton was asked if he would accompany singer Sevi Regis at the ceremony. Naturally he asked if there was a fee, however he was told that "it's an honour to be invited", as ...
Datum: 19-01-2017 17:13 | Bron: Classic FMWorld renowned Russian pianist Denis Matsuev has given a concert on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, easing the strain of high-profile ...
Datum: 19-01-2017 10:40 | Bron: RTPianist/bandleader Denny Berthiaume has been performing for decades, but every set is somehow fresh and new. “Whether I'm playing a medley from 'Phantom of the Opera' or a Wayne Shorter number or one of my own compositions,” says Berthiaume, who ...
Datum: 19-01-2017 01:23 | Bron: The Mercury NewsMETALLICA was joined by Lang Lang during the band's January 18 concert at LeSports Center in Beijing. As expected, the Chinese concert pianist pl...
Datum: 18-01-2017 18:55 | Bron: BLABBERMOUTH.NETThe British pianist David Shenton was asked to accompany a singer in The Star-Spangled Banner at the inauguration of President Trump. He asked if there was ...
Datum: 18-01-2017 17:59 | Bron: Slipped DiscPicking through bombastic music to extract the musical message and leave a lingering impression of something other than bombast is a skill to be cherished among pianists on the international stage. That was the main achievement of French pianist Lise ...
Datum: 18-01-2017 00:30 | Bron: DC Metro Theater Arts (press release) (blog)Fate smiled on Minnesota's jazz scene decades ago, when pianist James “Jimmy” Hamilton traveled to the state with his wife, ran out of money, and put down roots. Hamilton became a fixture in Twin Cities' jazz clubs, and his lessons on the fundamentals ...
Datum: 17-01-2017 22:44 | Bron: Minneapolis Star TribuneMatthew Shipp, the prolific free-jazz pianist, orders a cup of coffee (milk, no sugar) at an unremarkable café on Avenue A, around the corner from where he's lived since forever. The late-December morning is gray, rainy, and melancholy, but Shipp wants ...
Datum: 17-01-2017 18:40 | Bron: Village VoiceIt was a striking performance at the Phillips, once she settled into the emotional depth of the music.
Datum: 16-01-2017 21:17 | Bron: Washington PostSusan Lewis: Lara Downes, an American pianist with Jamaican-American and Jewish-Eastern European roots, plays jazz, classical, and music that crosses genres. The American dream is a recurring theme. Lara Downes: Our American story, most of the time, ...
Datum: 16-01-2017 17:58 | Bron: WRTIJazz- en klassiek pianist Louis van Dijk is een begrip in de Nederlandse muziek historie vanaf de jaren '60. Hij werkte samen met muzikanten vanuit diverse ...
Datum: 16-01-2017 08:55 | Bron: De KaapHelmut Lotti en vrouw gaan scheiden. De Belgische zanger en pianist Helmut Lotti en zijn vrouw Jelle Van Riet gaan scheiden. Dat heeft hij bekendgemaakt op zijn Facebookpagina. Het stel was bijna tien jaar bij elkaar. Mark den Blanken 15-01-17, 18:47 ...
Datum: 15-01-2017 18:47 | Bron: AD.nlJazz- en klassiek pianist Louis van Dijk is een begrip in de Nederlandse muziek historie vanaf de jaren '60. Hij werkte samen met muzikanten vanuit diverse disciplines en maakte veel theatertournees met zijn fameuze trio samen met Jacques Schols en ...
Datum: 15-01-2017 17:33 | Bron: De KaapHet Zondagmiddagpodium presenteert pianist/zanger Youri Bonda met muziek van Randy Newman op 22 januari om 14.00 uur te Cultureel Centrum De Olm, Olmenlaan 141 in Zwanenburg. Oeuvre Randy Newman. Al ruim vijftig jaar lang weet Randy ...
Datum: 14-01-2017 22:15 | Bron: HCNieuws (persbericht)How a concert pianist handled child crisis back home. January 14, 2017 by norman lebrecht. No comments. From new story by Israela Margalit: One time my daughter couldn't bear my absence. She called to say that I had to come back at once regardless of ...
Datum: 14-01-2017 19:01 | Bron: Slipped DiscHe named Argentine pianist Martha Argerich as a major musical influence. “I was so captivated,” he recalled, “by how she manages to take hold of a piece and produce something so profoundly unique, boundary-pushing, and daring — but also completely ...
Datum: 14-01-2017 00:32 | Bron: Northwest Asian WeeklyShortly after moving to New York in the fall of 2007, I got an internship at the Blue Note Jazz Club. One of my first tasks there was to transcribe a few interviews that Nat Hentoff had recently conducted the Blue Note. We'd often fax the completed ...
Datum: 13-01-2017 22:45 | Bron: Village VoiceThose who watched the 56th Grammy Awards may recall Metallica sharing the stage with concert pianist Lang Lang for a special performance on the …And Justice for All track “One.” Well, history is set to repeat itself as the two forces will join ...
Datum: 13-01-2017 17:31 | Bron: Loudwire