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Pianist nieuws (502)

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Gaynel Hodge, zanger en pianist van 'The Platters', is maandagavond te horen in het radioprogramma van RTV Seaport SpiritualiTijd. Presentator Mark Metselaar praat met hem over wat hem inspireert en bezielt en hoe hij in het leven staat. Hodge is te ...

Datum: | Bron: RTV Seaport

artikelVandaag krijgt de pianist de prestigieuze Nederlandse Muziekprijs én komt er een nieuwe cd van hem uit. Hannes Minnaar in vier vragen: 'Ik kom uit de kast als onopgesmukt pianist.' Door: Karolien Knols 1 oktober 2016, 02:00 ...

Datum: | Bron: Volkskrant

Half of the sixteen tracks on jazz pianist Kris Davis's new Duopoly are free improvisation, and the other half are loosely based on an original tune or jazz standard. But if you were to listen to Duopoly without a track listing, it would be difficult ...

Datum: | Bron: Village Voice

In an historic musical and pedagogical event attended by fascinated audiences on both sides of the Atlantic, the legendary American pianist and Yamaha Artist, Maestro Byron Janis conducted the first remote piano master class ever to link an instructor ...

Datum: | Bron: Benzinga

For one thing, the Montpelier-based pianist long ago committed the iconic German composer's sonatas, including this one, popularly known as the “Tempest,” to memory. Then there's the matter of Arnowitt being legally blind for most of his adult life ...

Datum: | Bron: Valley News

While most philharmonic orchestras begin their seasons with the works of Beethoven, Brahms, or Mahler, the Los Angeles Philharmonic tried something different this year. Musical Director Gustavo Dudamel began his eighth season with the Los Angeles ...

Datum: | Bron: Forbes

He cut a significant swath through the Manhattan music scene, recording three albums under his own name, writing and performing with pianist Les McCann and saxophonist Houston Person, and generally getting tight with the giants in the swinging, soulful ...

Datum: | Bron: Access Atlanta

Russian pianist Petr Andreev completed a 24-hour, non-stop charitable performance of both classical and jazz music, as well as some of his most popular hits, ...

Datum: | Bron: Press TV

Walters' parents signed her up for lessons and a lasting love of piano followed. Walters went on to gain her doctorate in music from Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore, and she became the first American pianist to perform three anniversary concerts in ...

Datum: | Bron: Portage Daily Register

'Marc Erkens maakt in tien minuten een hele week pulptelevisie goed', 'Al vijf keer teruggespoeld!' en 'Geef die man een eigen programma!': het zijn maar enkele reacties die op sociale media de ronde deden na Erkens' felgesmaakte passage in 'Culture ...

Datum: | Bron: Humo The Wild Site

The new Nottingham Classics series of piano recitals was launched in phenomenal style on Sunday morning. And I don't think anyone present would deny that Nicholas McCarthy is a phenomenon. After all, he is the only one-handed pianist ever to graduate ...

Datum: | Bron: Nottingham Post

Ik heb afgelopen zomer een paar orgelconcerten gegeven met andere instrumentalisten, met wie ik als pianist vaak samenspeel. De reacties zijn grappig. Ze reageren heel open op het instrument, en op bepaalde klankkleuren, die ze soms ook lelijk vinden.

Datum: | Bron: Reformatorisch Dagblad

The Greenwich Symphony brings back Irish pianist John O'Conor Oct. 1 and 2 to perform the beloved Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 4. O'Conor has gathered wonderful reviews over the course of his career since winning first prize at the International ...

Datum: | Bron: Greenwich Sentinel

RECENSIE - Pianist Egbert Derix is gefascineerd door het leven en werk van popzanger Falco. Hij heeft een dubbelalbum met solo-pianowerk vernoemd naar ...

Datum: | Bron: Eindhovens Dagblad

On Thursday evening the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, under the baton of music director Robert Spano with pianist Garrick Ohlsson as featured guest soloist, opened the first week of its classical season at Atlanta Symphony Hall with a performance of ...

Datum: | Bron: ArtsATL

It's hard for a baby boomer like me to imagine growing up unaware of Van Cliburn, but Nigel Cliff, 46, did. A historian and biographer who was a film and theater critic for The Times of London, he writes that he became aware of the Cliburn story only ...

Datum: | Bron: New York Times

Iets met artisjok. Hij leunt, opgelucht, achterover in zijn stoel. „Niemand heeft ooit aan zien komen dat ik 'een van Nederlands meest succesvolle pianisten' zou worden.” (Zo noemt de jury hem). Hij zelf nog het allerminst. „Ik had nooit zo'n moordende ...

Datum: | Bron: nrc.nl

Chinese superstar pianist Lang Lang has been named the Big Apple's first-ever "cultural tourism ambassador," just in time for the release of his latest album, the ...

Datum: | Bron: Billboard

Born in Moscow, with a family heritage of piano-playing (there were several generations of pianists behind him), Giltburg convinced his mother to teach him piano. He was five years old when the family moved to Israel, where he continued to study at ...

Datum: | Bron: Jerusalem Post Israel News

He remembers it as a beautiful, vibrant community. His father -- a blind violinist -- taught him how to play on an old brown Russian piano when he was five, and as a teenager Ahmad knew he wanted to be a pianist. "It is something in my fingers, I just ...

Datum: | Bron: CNN

Smith, an Edinburgh-based pianist famous for his interpretations of Stockhausen and György Ligeti, will perform a selection of Stockhausen's “Klavierstücke” (“piano pieces”) at MIT's Killian Hall (Room 14W) on Sept. 23 to kick off the new season of MIT ...

Datum: | Bron: The MIT Tech

Violiste Rosanne Philippens zal samen met altviolist Vladimir Percevic, cellist Ella van Poucke, bassist Rick Stotijn en pianist Julien Quentin een programma spelen dat geheel gewijd is aan de Oostenrijkse componist Franz Schubert. De Fantasie voor ...

Datum: | Bron: Rijssens Nieuwsblad

Klaas van Dijk is de nieuwe huispianist van 'Met het Mes op Tafel'. Dit werd zojuist in Tijd voor MAX bekendgemaakt. Klaas van Dijk is de broer van Martin van ...

Datum: | Bron: TV-Visie

Het nummer is geschreven op de melodie 'Mooie Tijden' van pianist en componist Martin van Dijk. Van Dijk nam sinds 1997 de muzikale omlijsting van de kennisquiz 'Met het Mes op Tafel' voor zijn rekening, maar hij overleed begin juni. De broer van ...

Datum: | Bron: TV-Visie

Superstar classical pianist Lang Lang, who was born in the small industrial town of Shenyang, China, now calls New York City home after buying an apartment that sits adjacent to the famous concert hall for $2.5 million in 2008, according to NYC ...

Datum: | Bron: DNAinfo
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