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Connie Crothers, a jazz pianist who carried the mantle of her famous mentor, Lennie Tristano, but built her own identity as an inventive composer, improviser and instructor, died on Aug. 13 in Manhattan. She was 75. The cause was lung cancer, said ...

Datum: | Bron: New York Times

“THE BEAUTIFUL Maiden of the Mill,” the dramatic Schubert song cycle of doomed love, will be the country's premier tenor Arthur Espiritu's vehicle of expression ...

Datum: | Bron: Inquirer.net

POCATELLO – Idaho State University pianist Natalia Lauk recently returned from the Washington International Piano Festival in Washington, D.C., where she had the opportunity to to perform in the world-renowned Kennedy Center. “Getting to perform at the ...

Datum: | Bron: East Idaho News

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Most classical pianists stride on stage in a tuxedo, then sit at the keyboard while the audience stares at a profile for the next couple of hours. Pianist James D'León breaks tradition by talking to the audience. He explains the ...

Datum: | Bron: Albuquerque Journal

Blind pianist wows audiences with dexterity, charm. Dwayne "D.W. Blues" White works on his new recording at Downtown Studios in Winter Haven. PIERRE DUCHARME/THE LEDGER. By Paul Catala The Ledger ...

Datum: | Bron: The Ledger

De Profundis promises music lovers a unique experience by virtue of the compositions Joanna Wicherek has chosen for this concert. She has played in South Africa before and is a Polish native, a country that apart from the great Chopin, has produced a ...

Datum: | Bron: Artslink.co.za News (press release)

So much about this pale Russian pianist smacks of youthful bashfulness, from his delicate handshake to his knack for avoiding direct eye contact. Many of his mumbled responses are primarily directed at the floor, often followed by an endearingly shy smile.

Datum: | Bron: Financial Times

Hannes Minnaar (31) krijgt de Nederlandse Muziekprijs. Op 1 oktober neemt de Amsterdamse pianist de onderscheiding tijdens een concert in het Koninklijk Concertgebouw in ontvangst. Dat meldt het nieuwste nummer van Het Concertgebouw Magazine, ...

Datum: | Bron: Reformatorisch Dagblad

News 13 has learned that man is Davide Martello, also known as Klavierkunst, a pianist who travels around the world performing for peace. He played outside of Dallas Police Headquarters after several police officers were gunned down at a protest there ...

Datum: | Bron: KRQE News 13

The NZSQ (Helene Pohl, first violin; Monique Lapins, second violin; Gillian Ansell, viola and Rolf Gjelsten, cello) were joined by pianist Stephen de Pledge for an eclectic recital which opened with a perfectly judged performance of Beethoven's String ...

Datum: | Bron: The Press

Pianist Stephen Hough has criticised the established format for classical concerts, suggesting that significantly shortening them would make for a more satisfying experience. stephen hough shorter concerts. He wrote in the Radio Times : 'At some point ...

Datum: | Bron: Classic FM

If you're a music fan and in Moscow, pay a visit to an exhibition in honour of unorthodox and eccentric pianist and composer Oleg Karavaichuk, who died earlier this year. The How can I play an E note multimedia exhibition will open on 27 August at the ...

Datum: | Bron: The Calvert Journal

For concert pianists of every generation, climbing the Everest that is the Beethoven piano sonatas represents a rite of passage, an artistic statement that risks odious comparisons with the interpretations of many revered predecessors. It's a challenge ...

Datum: | Bron: Chicago Tribune

AMMAN, 15 August 2016 – UNICEF today appointed world famous Jordanian pianist and composer, Zade Dirani, as Regional Ambassador for the Middle East ...

Datum: | Bron: UNICEF (press release)

The leading Russian pianist Mikhail Pletnev will now not be performing two concerts at the Edinburgh International Festival after injuring his shoulder. Pletnev was due to perform with the Russian National Orchestra this coming weekend at the Usher Hall.

Datum: | Bron: Herald Scotland

Pianist Stephen Hough has called for classical concerts to be overhauled to attract younger audiences. Performances should be shorter with no interval, ...

Datum: | Bron: BBC News

Argentinean media praising Chinese pianist's performance after Buenos Aires concert---The newspaper used terms such as.

Datum: | Bron: Xinhua

The video of a pianist playing in the rubble-strewn streets of the Palestinian refugee camp was shared around the world last year. Aeham Ahmad has since fled Syria, to Germany, where he is touring as a pianist. Speaking from the German city of ...

Datum: | Bron: BBC News

nbsp;Jordanrsquo;s famed pianist Zade Dirani has joined the ranks of Lebanese entertainer Nancy Ajram, Iraqi singer Kadim Al-Sahir and Egyptian.

Datum: | Bron: Al-Arabiya

Buch Es gibt nur wenige weltberühmte Pianisten, die ihrem Publikum nicht unbedingt bekannt sind. Dieser ist einer davon: Menahem Pressler, der 1923 in Magdeburg geborene, jahrzehntelange Pianist des Beaux Arts Trios. Seit Auflösung des Ensembles im ...

Datum: | Bron: RP ONLINE

Chinese pianist, Lang Lang, honored to be back in Argentina---Famous Chinese pianist, Lang Lang, said he was honored to be back in Argentina, after a stellar ...

Datum: | Bron: Xinhua

Etwa einmal wöchentlich wolle er sich zu Wort melden, so der Dirigent und Pianist auf www.youtube.com/danielbarenboim. Im ersten, fünf Minuten langen Video sitzt er am Flügel im oberen Foyer der Staatsoper im Schillertheater und erläutert auf Englisch ...

Datum: | Bron: Tagesspiegel

AH-YOUNG Moon is barely into her teens but she is already a veteran concert pianist. The 13-year-old Grade 7 pupil from Rhenish Primary School in Stellenbosch is the youngest musician performing in the Western Cape Youth Music Festival at the Artscape ...

Datum: | Bron: Independent Online

DETROIT (AP) - A classical pianist is performing as part of an effort to revitalize a park near the long-shuttered Michigan Central train depot that's one of Detroit's best-known eyesores. The Corktown Economic Development Corp. on Saturday hosts ...

Datum: | Bron: WTOL.com

“How many of you have ever been to an oboe recital?” Shawn Welk asked the near-capacity crowd attending this year's final recital in the Russian-focused Richmond Symphony Summer Series on Thursday evening. A surprising number of hands went up, ...

Datum: | Bron: Richmond.com
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