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The pianist Peter Seivewright, playing in Donetsk, is reported to have said he'd be happy to live there if he had any problems with the UK authorities on his return home. Donetsk was seized by 'pro-Russian forces' in 2014 and declared independent from ...
Datum: 04-07-2016 15:43 | Bron: Slipped DiscFRANEKER – Rik Venekamp heeft zondagmiddag voor een uitverkochte zaal een pianoconcert gegeven in de Galerie der Franeker Courante Kunsten van Douwe Elias. Venekamp speelde de derde pianosonate van Johannes Brahms (1833-1897).
Datum: 04-07-2016 12:24 | Bron: Franeker CourantMiyu is an extremely good pianist. So I would sit there for five minutes listening to her wonderful performance knowing I had to go out and perform right after her. After the first round, I settled into the fact she is a fantastic pianist and I just ...
Datum: 03-07-2016 11:43 | Bron: Fresno BeePianist Alessia Bax tried to get his baby daughter to doze off during a live session, but she had other ideas. alessio bax lullaby. Bax, father of Mila, used all the best tricks in the pianist book to try and get her to go to sleep. Rachmaninov, Brahms ...
Datum: 01-07-2016 17:35 | Bron: Classic FMThe acclaimed German-born pianist not only performed a recital in the chapel at Blundell's School but also held a masterclass at the school the following day. The school chapel provided wonderful acoustics with every single note sounding clearly for ...
Datum: 01-07-2016 15:22 | Bron: Exeter Express and EchoAlameda: Free concert to feature concert pianist, Mideast music. By Marta Yamamoto, Correspondent. Posted: 06/30/2016 05:56:18 PM PDT | Updated: 8 min. ago. ALAMEDA -- Donna Stoering's "Notes for Nourishment" concert series has been more ...
Datum: 01-07-2016 02:56 | Bron: East Bay TimesAfter a successful June run, 'Whitebone' — a music video made by city-based Neecia Majolly — will continue to enchant fans in July too. The video, which won a daily play distinction on MTV Indies for the whole of June, will continue to be played this ...
Datum: 01-07-2016 02:03 | Bron: The HinduAlthough Jason Moran is perhaps best known as a MacArthur-winning jazz pianist and artistic director for jazz at the Kennedy Center, he has for some time worked adjacent to the visual arts, composing music for projects by the likes of Glenn Ligon, Kara ...
Datum: 30-06-2016 21:13 | Bron: Village VoiceTijdens het vierde zaterdagmiddagconcert op 9 juli om 15.00 in de Grote Kerk te Oudewater is pianist Jaap Eilander te gast. Na het fraaie concert van vorig jaar – wat hij met organist, pianist en vader Peter gaf), zal hij nu een solo-programma ten ...
Datum: 30-06-2016 10:29 | Bron: Zenderstreeknieuws Noord (persbericht) (Blog)He's also a composer, and is performing at Lo_Fi on Saturday. According to some materials I've been given, "Guitarist Tim Young and keyboardist Paul Moore will be your guides through a psychotropic audiophonic face melting that will have you switch ...
Datum: 30-06-2016 00:27 | Bron: TheStranger.comPerhaps that's why this video of renowned Italian composer and pianist Ludovico Einaudi playing a heartfelt musical piece in the Arctic is so effective: it sends a message straight past the rational brain and right to heart, where it matters (because ...
Datum: 29-06-2016 13:08 | Bron: TreehuggerThe timing of the famous pianist's performance, though, is not by mere chance. This week, a major decision will be made that will lead towards an important step to protecting the Arctic. The delegates of the OSPAR Commission meeting in Spain will ...
Datum: 28-06-2016 13:37 | Bron: Nature World NewsHet gaat over de roekeloosheid van leiders die de Europese Eenmaking voorleggen aan de massa. Het gaat niet over de roekeloosheid van leiders die weigeren om de Europese Eenmaking voor te leggen aan de massa. Het gaat over de feitenvrije ...
Datum: 26-06-2016 03:29 | Bron: Doorbraak.beWhat will draw world leaders' attention to the dire effects of climate change? If not the plight of the polar bear, perhaps a beautiful, mournful piano composition played on a floating platform off the coast of Norway? This video showing Italian ...
Datum: 24-06-2016 22:27 | Bron: GOOD MagazineThe Italian pianist Ludovico Einaudi, renowned for his career composing scores for television and movies, gives a haunting performance among the icebergs of the Arctic in conjunction with Greenpeace in an attempt to draw attention to the plight of the ...
Datum: 24-06-2016 09:00 | Bron: The GuardianThe British/Bengali pianist Zoe Rahman, a Mobo winner in 2012 for her rootsy world-folk album Kindred Spirits, seems to have been focusing her thoughts on more intimate music in recent years. She toured with Courtney Pine a a popular ballads-devoted ...
Datum: 23-06-2016 19:30 | Bron: The GuardianLAAG-KEPPEL - De jonge pianist Ramon van Engelenhoven geeft woensdagavond 13 juli een pianoconcert in de Balzaal van Kasteel Keppel in Laag-Keppel. Het concert staat in het kader van de Zomercursus 2016 van Stichting Piano! Piano!. Ramon is ...
Datum: 23-06-2016 11:16 | Bron: De GelderlanderMet grote trots kunnen wij u melden, dat de bekende Nijkerkse pianist/zanger Aristakes, de winnaar is geworden van de wedstrijd uitgeschreven door de NS; 'De Beste Station Pianist van Nederland 2016'. Deze week nog volgen de besprekingen met de ...
Datum: 23-06-2016 10:17 | Bron: Stad NijkerkAn undated photo shows Chinese pianist Li Yundi stages a concert in Paris, France. [Photo: Xinhua]. Chinese pianist Li Yundi has staged a concert at an art center in Paris. This is not the first time he has played in the second hometown of Chopin ...
Datum: 23-06-2016 01:07 | Bron: CRIENGLISH.comMet grote trots kunnen wij u melden, dat de bekende Nijkerkse pianist/zanger Aristakes, de winnaar is geworden van de wedstrijd uitgeschreven door de NS; 'De Beste Station Pianist van Nederland 2016'. Deze week nog volgen de besprekingen met de ...
Datum: 22-06-2016 17:28 | Bron: Stad NijkerkLudovico Einaudi, an internationally-renowned pianist, has played on a platform floating in the Arctic Ocean as part of a Greenpeace campaign to protect the area. The Italian travelled to the Svalbard islands in Norway for the unique performance.
Datum: 22-06-2016 08:08 | Bron: euronewsALDEBURGH, England — Like most musicians, pianists tend to be nocturnal animals, their natural habitat the concert hall at 7:30 p.m. So it was curious Sunday at the Aldeburgh Festival here to find Pierre-Laurent Aimard up with the lark (in every sense ...
Datum: 21-06-2016 23:37 | Bron: New York TimesAnd it has used a video of Italian composer and pianist Ludovico Einaudi, playing on a floating piece of ice , to highlight the devastating problem. In the video, dressed in simple black outfit, Mr Einaudi looks around him, clearly amazed by the ...
Datum: 21-06-2016 23:07 | Bron: Mirror.co.ukDe Italiaanse componist en pianist Ludovico Einaudi heeft een optreden gegeven in het Noorse Svalbard, in de Noordelijke IJszee, ook wel Arctische Oceaan genoemd. En daar had hij een zeer goede reden voor. Einaudi is het gezicht van de nieuwe ...
Datum: 21-06-2016 14:17 | Bron: Het Nieuwsblad"Please, save the Arctic." De boodschap van Greenpeace om de Noordelijke IJszee te redden kwam nooit zo hard binnen. Want de wondermooie muziek van de Italiaanse componist en pianist Ludovico Einaudi, 't gezicht van de nieuwe campagne, gaat recht ...
Datum: 21-06-2016 11:38 | Bron: newsmonkey (Registratie)