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Daniil Trifonov, winner of the Arthur Rubinstein and Tchaikovsky competitions, gave his debut London recital last night. It was packed with people who had watched his competition performances and many, like me, will have steeled themselves against ...

Datum: | Bron: Slipped Disc

Jan Lisiecki is aware of the criticism directed at pianists of his generation. That audiences have regretted the loss of individuality exhibited on stage and at competitions, even as technical standards rise, is not lost on the 21-year-old wunderkind ...

Datum: | Bron: KQED

The French pianist started the season by chairing the jury for the Symphony's first piano competition last September and continued with an ear-opening succession of performances here — including one of the finest solo piano recitals ever heard in ...

Datum: | Bron: The Seattle Times

A renowned pianist whose wife is charged in the murder of their two young daughters played his first public performance in his hometown since the tragedy. Vadym Kholodenko won raves for his recital at the PianoTexas festival in Fort Worth on Sunday ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Mail

KLAZIENAVEEN/AMSTERDAM - Pianist en componist Martin van Dijk uit Klazienaveen is gisteren in zijn woonplaats Amsterdam overleden. Eerder dit jaar werd bekend dat hij kanker had. Van Dijk was sinds 1997 de vaste pianist van het tv-programma Met ...

Datum: | Bron: RTV Drenthe

Pianist en componist Martin van Dijk (69) is zondag in zijn woonplaats Amsterdam overleden. Van Dijk begon als tiener al als jazzmuzikant en was vanaf 1997 de vaste pianist van het MAX-programma Met het mes op tafel. De omroep heeft zijn overlijden ...

Datum: | Bron: Volkskrant

Hij was vooral bekend van de televisiequiz Met het Mes op Tafel, waar hij sinds 1997 de vaste pianist was. Hij kampte al enige tijd met gezondheidsproblemen. In de laatste uitzending in april was Van Dijk er - na een tijdje afwezig te zijn geweest ...

Datum: | Bron: NOS

AMSTERDAM - Pianist en componist Martin van Dijk (69) is zondag in zijn woonplaats Amsterdam overleden. Van Dijk begon als tiener al als jazzmuzikant en was vanaf 1997 de vaste pianist van het MAX-programma Met het mes op tafel. De omroep heeft ...

Datum: | Bron: Leidsch Dagblad (persbericht) (Registratie)

Pianist en componist Martin van Dijk (69) is zondag in zijn woonplaats Amsterdam overleden. Van Dijk begon als tiener al als jazzmuzikant en was va...

Datum: | Bron: Volkskrant

SAN LORENZO Ruiz must have been mighty pleased with the fund-raising concert “Melodies and Memories,” which featured internationally renowned pianist Raul Sunico, New York-based Filipino tenor Rogelio Peñaverde Jr. and the Ambassadors of Light ...

Datum: | Bron: Inquirer.net

Wegens het enorme succes van zijn vorige internationale huisconcerten gaf pianowonder Rangel Silaev (16) uit Venray op 5 juni 2016 om 13.00 uur zijn volgende thuisconcert van zijn serie 'Make my dream'. Tijdens dit concert waren onder andere ...

Datum: | Bron: Omroep Venray

In our very noisy world, the music of Chicago pianist-composer Rob Clearfield arrives as a kind of balm. Mostly soft, introspective and unhurried, Clearfield's art has enriched the work of Chicago bandleaders such as singer Grazyna Auguscik, bassist ...

Datum: | Bron: Chicago Tribune

Olga Bell is a classically trained pianist who has ventured deeply into the world of electronica — and now, on her new album, Tempo, into dance music. Bell was born in Moscow, grew up in Anchorage and now lives in Brooklyn. She joined NPR's Scott ...

Datum: | Bron: NPR

CHICAGO -- For years, people who live in a Chicago apartment building have heard the music -- heard what everyone assumed was someone seducing a song out of a baby grand with two remarkable hands. But now we know that was only half right.

Datum: | Bron: CBS News

The estranged wife of concert pianist and Cliburn winner Vadym Kholodenko was indicted Wednesday on two counts of capital murder in the deaths of the couple's young daughters. Sofya Tsygankova smothered Michaela Kholodenko, 1, and Nika ...

Datum: | Bron: Stuff.co.nz

Op zondag 12 juni zingt het koor De Vier Jaargetijden in de Voorburgse St. Martinuskerk aan het Oosteinde tijdens de eucharistieviering om 9:30 uur. Deze viering, met voorganger pastoor W.P.J. Bakker, wordt voor het laatst ondersteund door pianist Hans ...

Datum: | Bron: Midvliet FM

The headlong improv on Blackbird, meanwhile, is always locked into the contours of the song, and the pianist's timbre and touch on slow pieces strikingly refreshes the familiar piano-ballad arts. It isn't cutting-edge music, but it's classic jazz ...

Datum: | Bron: The Guardian

Few really know how they would react to horrific tragedy. For pianist Vadym Kholodenko, shutting down was not an option. On March 17, Kholodenko, who won the gold medal at the prestigious Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in 2013, found his ...

Datum: | Bron: Los Angeles Times

A Hungarian pianist who won a Fulbright Scholarship to do post-graduate studies at UCLA is suing the regents of the University of California, alleging one of her professors lured her into a sexual relationship and increased the grade he was giving her ...

Datum: | Bron: Slipped Disc

LOS ANGELES - An award-winning Hungarian pianist who was doing post-graduate studies in California is suing one of her professors, alleging he pressured into a sexual relationship in exchange for better grades. Tunde Krasznai, who was studying on a ...

Datum: | Bron: The Nation

Guillermo Klein, the Argentine pianist and composer, has an affinity for transforming highly methodical designs into music that feels soulful and uncalculating. His primary vehicle over the last 20 years has been Los Guachos, 11 elite musicians ...

Datum: | Bron: New York Times

Patron of Carers Gloucestershire, Nicholas McCarthy, is a British pianist who was born without a right hand. He took time out to join up with fellow Patron Dame Janet Trotter, prior to his concert at the Parabola Arts Centre. He has urged people to ...

Datum: | Bron: Gloucester Citizen

Beautiful news to report: Despite the city permitting red-tape scare in April that threatened to put the kibosh on its operation, the one-of-a-kind cultural jewel that is the Timucua White House is back in the business of doing what it does like ...

Datum: | Bron: Orlando Weekly (blog)

Czech pianist Lukáš Vondráček has won the Queen Elisabeth Competition for young musicians, which is considered the world's most demanding piano contest. The 29-year-old Czech impressed the jury with his performance of Sergei Rachmaninov in ...

Datum: | Bron: Radio Prague

Richard Clayderman who learnt the piano from the father who happens to be a piano teacher, achieved global success with record sales reaching 150 million and also noted by the Guinness Book of World Records as being "the most successful pianist in the ...

Datum: | Bron: MaltaToday
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