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If you caught jazz pianist Keith Jarrett earlier this week in either San Francisco or Los Angeles, you might have heard a little more than just music. Jarrett is famous for his involuntary vocalizations. These noises he makes are hard to describe ...

Datum: | Bron: KQED

No one seems to play physically closer to the keyboard than the 25-year-old Russian pianist. No one else can claim his unusual playing style — shoulders shrugged, head craning toward the keys. And who would change a single thing about him? On Friday ...

Datum: | Bron: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

ONE, an imprint of Pushkin Press, is to publish a "powerful" story of a virtuoso pianist's mental illness titled School of Velocity by debut novelist Eric Beck Rubin. Elena Lappin, editor at ONE, acquired UK & commonwealth rights (excluding Canada) to ...

Datum: | Bron: The Bookseller

PIANIST Ian Pace will premiere Michael Finnissy's Beethoven's Robin Adair, his York Late Music commission to mark Finnissy's 70th birthday, at the Unitarian Chapel, St Saviourgate, York, tomorrow night. Presented in association with the York Spring ...

Datum: | Bron: The Press, York

Pianist Gabriela Martinez was born in Caracas, Venezuela, into a family boasting five generations of female pianists who trace their roots back to Spain. Learning to play piano was as natural to her as learning to tie her shoes. “I started studying ...

Datum: | Bron: Santa Rosa Press Democrat

Simon Helberg: from Big Bang nerd to Meryl Streep's cartoonish pianist. The Big Bang Theory star is like a walking exclamation mark as the accompanist to the awful soprano Florence Foster Jenkins. Will the role help to make him the Jennifer Aniston of ...

Datum: | Bron: The Guardian

The legendary pianist now has a metal plate and several screws in his reconstructed right wrist. Pins have since been removed that helped his broken fingers heal. But his medical team, including occupational therapist Ellen Wang Tan, believe he can ...

Datum: | Bron: KHOU.com

IT MAY be seven years since Singaporean-born British pianist Melvyn Tan last played with the CPO (it was Schumann in 2009), but he has kept his ties with the country, visiting friends in Cape Town several times on holiday in the intervening years. He ...

Datum: | Bron: Independent Online

Once, during a phone conversation with Seven Days, pianist David Kaplan delivered an impassioned argument on behalf of live performance. Recordings of classical music, he said, have become so polished that they strip performances of genuine feeling ...

Datum: | Bron: Seven Days

Seattle composer and pianist Wayne Horvitz won a $275,000 award Tuesday, May 3, from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. Horvitz's work spans many genres, from jazz to rock to modern classical. His most recent major composition, “Some Places Are ...

Datum: | Bron: The Seattle Times

He tells reporters that he has bonded with the South Korean composer and pianist Yiruma over music. Simmons also tell WFMJ that his disability has not stopped him from achieving his dream. “I want everyone to know that if you set your mind to something ...

Datum: | Bron: Atlanta Black Star

In the recording studio, Murray Perahia embodies the archetype of the modern American pianist. With an unassailable technique and a commanding sense of structure, he offers uncontroversial, authoritative performances elevated by his tonal mastery and ...

Datum: | Bron: Washington Post

One segment of musical Washington not on hand at the Kennedy Center for opening night of the “Ring” Saturday night could be found at Coolidge Auditorium at the Library of Congress for an intriguing concert that included a world premiere by Frederic ...

Datum: | Bron: Washington Post

Noted pianist Simone Dinnerstein is asking her May 8 concert audience to keep their minds, and their ears, open. For the program, Dinnerstein will meld music by two famous composers – Philip Glass, a living American minimalist, and Franz Schubert, who ...

Datum: | Bron: Albuquerque Journal

Pianist Natasha Paremski, a rising star in classical music, will perform at 7:30 p.m. Monday as part of the Amelia Island Chamber Music Festival. She will play works by Brahms, Beethoven, Rachmaninoff and Mussorgsky at the Amelia Plantation Chapel, ...

Datum: | Bron: Florida Times-Union

A Texas medical examiner says the two young daughters of an internationally renowned pianist likely died of asphyxia after their mother allegedly smothered them with pillows. The Tarrant County medical examiner's office released the autopsy reports on ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Mail

KOTTEN - Pianist Jan-Willem van de Velde geeft op zaterdag 14 mei een improvisatieconcert op de vleugel. Daarbij laat hij zich inspireren door de sfeer en het weer van het seizoen.Tevens speelt hij een impressie op een aantal lentegedichten van ...

Datum: | Bron: De Gelderlander

Two talented young musicians from the Highlands and islands have been learning from one of the world's most innovative and creative pianists. Catriona Mackenzie, of Culbokie on the Black Isle, and Emilia De Geer, from Orkney, who are pupils at St Mary ...

Datum: | Bron: Press and Journal

“Paradoxically, there are pianists with short, fat fingers that play Chopin wonderfully, but I always think of Chopin's hand as being very like Byron Janis' hand — those long, thin, knowing fingers that can get very small and open to this incredible ...

Datum: | Bron: Tribune-Review

District-based pianist Mark Meadows is an artist who sees the ills of the world, but rather than place blame, he hopes to find solutions that will appeal to our common interests. "I wanted to put together a work that would apply to a wide array of ...

Datum: | Bron: DCist.com

Still, Beethoven's towering sonata is often treated that way, the mountain to be conquered by alpha-male and alpha-female pianists with the bravura techniques and stamina able to thread through one of the literature's most physically demanding and ...

Datum: | Bron: Los Angeles Times

When 8-year-old pianist Jacob Velazquez performs on the Space Coast this weekend, don't even think about trying to sit in one of his two reserved spots. "I'm saving Taylor Swift a seat in the front," the second-grader from Broward County declared in a ...

Datum: | Bron: Florida Today

HARARE - Acclaimed South African pianist Ammiel Bushakevitz will give recitals in Harare and Bulawayo during a visit to Zimbabwe in May. The Harare recital, will take place at the Arundel School Chapel at 3pm on May 8 while the Bulawayo performance ...

Datum: | Bron: DailyNews

He impressed the judges on Saturday night's installment of Britain's Got Talent with his unique act. And it has been revealed that Britain's Got Talent pianist Colin Henry has been entertaining audiences with his upside down piano playing skills for ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Mail

Swiss-Chinese pianist Louis Schwizgebel, in his Hong Kong recital debut, proved to be a virtuoso with a vein of modesty. He slipped into the skin of the composers and brought their music to life from within. This approach is ideal for the music of Haydn.

Datum: | Bron: South China Morning Post
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