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The estranged wife of an internationally known pianist pleaded not guilty on Wednesday to charges that she killed the couple's young daughters at their Texas home last week. Sofya Tsygankova entered her plea during a brief court appearance in Fort Worth.
Datum: 23-03-2016 19:16 | Bron: The GuardianFORT WORTH, Texas – The estranged wife of internationally renowned pianist Vadym Kholodenko sought mental treatment the day before their two young daughters were found dead in the family's North Texas home, police said Tuesday. Sofya Tsygankova ...
Datum: 22-03-2016 23:22 | Bron: Fox NewsRadio Hengelo maakt donderdag 24 maart opnamen in Metropool bij het concert van pianist Tico Pierhagen en zijn band Aguabajo. De van oorsprong uit Columbia afkomstige pianist en zijn band spelen Columbiaanse folklore jazz. Een mix van ...
Datum: 22-03-2016 20:43 | Bron: Radio Hengelo TVDALLAS - De vrouw van de gevierde Oekraïense pianist Vadym Cholodenko is thuis in het Amerikaanse Fort Worth aangehouden op verdenking van de moord op hun twee dochtertjes. De geestesgesteldheid van Sofya Tsygankova wordt nog onderzocht.
Datum: 21-03-2016 23:08 | Bron: Telegraaf.nlVadym Kholodenko, winner of the gold medal at the Van Cliburn piano competition in 2013, moved from Ukraine to Fort Worth in 2014 with his wife, Sofya Tsygankova, and daughters Nika (center) and Michela. (2014 File Photo/Fort Worth Star-Telegram).
Datum: 21-03-2016 21:47 | Bron: Dallas Morning News (blog)A classical musician who resented and tried to control his successful wife – the world-renowned concert pianist Natalia Strelchenko – has been jailed for life for murdering her on their second wedding anniversary. John Martin shook his head and ...
Datum: 21-03-2016 20:41 | Bron: The GuardianOOSTERBEEK - De Vredeberg Kamermuziekserie sluit het concertseizoen af met een optreden van de Arnhemse pianist Frank Peters. In de Vredebergkerk in Oosterbeek speelt hij Beethoven ( sonate opus 10, nr.3 ), werk van Debussy en Messiaen.
Datum: 21-03-2016 10:16 | Bron: De GelderlanderAward-winning concert pianist Vadym Kholodenko found his two young daughters, Nika (center) and Michela, dead at their home in Benbrook on Thursday. He also found his estranged wife, pianist Sofya Tsygankova, who had multiple stab wounds.
Datum: 20-03-2016 16:09 | Bron: Dallas Morning News (blog)Kholodenko, born in Kiev, has performed as a pianist around the globe. In 2013, he won the gold medal at the 2013 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. The Dallas Morning News described one of his performances as "music-making as if from ...
Datum: 19-03-2016 22:41 | Bron: People MagazineTragic Video Of Ukrainian Pianist Vadim Kholodenko & Wife With Daughters Before Homicides. By Radar Staff. Posted on Mar 19, 2016 @ 14:41PM. Share. Click through the gallery for the latest in this tragic slaying, including heartbreaking footage of the ...
Datum: 19-03-2016 19:43 | Bron: RadarOnlineGORINCHEM De 11-jarige Max Bartels uit Gorinchem geeft vrijdag 25 maart een optreden voor patiënten en bezoekers van het Beatrixziekenhuis in Gorinchem. Van 19.00 tot 20.00 uur speelt hij piano in de centrale hal. Iedereen is van harte welkom.
Datum: 19-03-2016 08:59 | Bron: DeStadGorinchem.nlBENBROOK — Police don't consider concert pianist Vadym Kholodenko a suspect in the deaths of his two young daughters, but they're holding the girls' injured mother at a hospital for a mental evaluation, authorities said Friday. The latest details ...
Datum: 19-03-2016 00:27 | Bron: Dallas Morning News (blog)Texas police said an award-winning concert pianist arrived at his estranged wife's home to pick up their two daughters and found the girls slain in their beds. The police commander in the Fort Worth suburb of Benbrook, David Babcock, said on Friday ...
Datum: 18-03-2016 17:14 | Bron: The GuardianThe husband of the classical concert pianist Natalia Strelchenko has been found guilty of murdering her on their second wedding anniversary. Strelchenko, 38, who used the stage surname Strelle, died shortly after being assaulted in her home by John ...
Datum: 18-03-2016 16:51 | Bron: The GuardianGROU - Op de avond van Goede Vrijdag (25 maart) verzorgt piano-entertainer Sven een spetterende show in Grootcafé Treemter. Sven weet het publiek prima te bespelen en maakt van elke avond een groot feest! Om dat compleet te maken vult feest-dj ...
Datum: 18-03-2016 14:35 | Bron: GrousterThe young daughters of renown Ukrainian pianist Vadym Kholodenko have been found dead at their home near Fort Worth, Texas. Nika and Michela Kholodenko, 5 and 1, were discovered on Thursday morning along with their 31-year-old mother, who ...
Datum: 18-03-2016 03:46 | Bron: New York Daily News“She was a very good pianist and I just absolutely fell in love.” McCarthy says that's when he realized that it was what he wanted to do. At the time he thought “I want to be a concert pianist,” he says, “Not taking into consideration that I only had ...
Datum: 16-03-2016 17:35 | Bron: PRIU kunt deze pagina printen door gebruik te maken van de standaard print mogelijkheden in uw browser. Email; Facebook; Twitter; Google+. Afbeelding. Fotograaf: Erna Lammers. DEN BOSCH - Pianist Ralph van Raat speelt vrijdag 18 maart bij De Toonzaal ...
Datum: 16-03-2016 12:07 | Bron: Brabants DagbladHERNEN - De Nederlandse violiste Quirine Scheffers komt zondag 20 maart samen met Engelse pianiste Lauretta Bloomer naar Kasteel Hernen. Vanaf 14.30 uur spelen ze muziek uit de romantiek. Scheffers studeerde op het Koninklijk Conservatorium in ...
Datum: 13-03-2016 15:31 | Bron: De GelderlanderOn the surface, except for the presence of a famous pianist, this was a fairly routine concert: a well-known piano concerto, a short modern work, a big romantic orchestral piece by an well-known composer. But surfaces can be misleading, and this ...
Datum: 12-03-2016 22:57 | Bron: Calgary HeraldDe Heistse pianist Tom Hermans (35) concerteert zondag voor eigen publiek. In de kerk van Heist-station laat hij staaltjes van zijn talent horen. En wie ee...
Datum: 12-03-2016 05:41 | Bron: Gazet van AntwerpenPianists Maria Joao Pires and Julien Brocal shared a stage in the most intimate of manners Thursday. Taking turns at the keyboard in Reinberger Chamber Hall while the other sat close by, they touchingly blurred the line between master and protégé while ...
Datum: 11-03-2016 23:39 | Bron: cleveland.com (blog)Easy-listening pianist George Winston may be best known for his 1982 work, "December," but when he performs Saturday night at the Glenridge Performing Arts Center, he'll offer a summer show more appropriate to springtime in Florida. "Folk piano ...
Datum: 11-03-2016 20:52 | Bron: Sarasota Herald-TribuneA double bass player accused of murdering his pianist wife has told a jury it was “absolutely ridiculous” to suggest he was jealous of her musical talents.
Datum: 10-03-2016 17:03 | Bron: The GuardianToes will inevitably tap when pianist — and New Yorker contributor — Jeremy Denk returns to Seattle to perform at Meany Hall on Friday evening, March 18. For his recital, which concludes the President's Piano Series at the University of Washington ...
Datum: 10-03-2016 01:00 | Bron: The Seattle Times