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The 49-year-old pianist known for rule-breaking melodies and sarcastic wordplay littered with f-bombs and offbeat cultural references saw his latest album, So There, make its debut at No. 1 in an unusual place: the classical-music charts. Maybe it wasn ...
Datum: 08-11-2015 11:10 | Bron: Columbus DispatchThe pianist also explained that his skills come from a martial arts-like approach to mastering the body. "In the body of the continuous piano master, the fingers and the hands turn into water, air and stone. The fingers [must] physically transform the ...
Datum: 06-11-2015 21:54 | Bron: THUMPPianist Martha Argerich has been awarded the Royal Philharmonic Society's (RPS) Gold Medal, one of classical music's highest honours. Argentinian-born Argerich, 74, follows in the footsteps of Placido Domingo and Antonio Pappano, among others.
Datum: 05-11-2015 14:44 | Bron: BBC NewsBen je aanstormend pianist en wil je je skills wel eens aan een groter publiek laten horen? Dat kan tijdens de eerste Young Pianists Piano Battle op verschillende Amsterdamse treinstations. 'Amateurs' nemen het hier tegen elkaar op voor een plekje in ...
Datum: 04-11-2015 17:05 | Bron: Metronieuws.nlTijdens Nederland Leest trekt de achtenzeventigjarige A.L. Snijders door het land met Marcel Worms, de internationaal gevierde pianist die gespecialiseerd is in kamermuziek en opvalt door zijn brede repertoire: van puur klassiek tot tango, jazz en blues.
Datum: 04-11-2015 10:37 | Bron: Dichtbij.nlBOXMEER - Pianist Max Philip Klüser bespeelt zondag 8 november de 'oude' vleugel van Theater De Weijer, De Raetsingel 1 in Boxmeer, om geld in te zamelen voor een nieuwe. Klüser treedt om 11.00 uur op en brengt repertoire van Debussy, Mozart, Liszt ...
Datum: 02-11-2015 10:04 | Bron: De GelderlanderChucho Valdés, the eminent Cuban pianist, bandleader and composer, carries himself with a sly balance of statesmanlike deliberation and youthful gusto. One day last month, not long before his 74th birthday, he folded his big frame onto a couch in a ...
Datum: 01-11-2015 23:35 | Bron: New York TimesIn de auto op 30 oktober ingebroken 2 De jonge Venrayse pianist Rangel Silaev (15) is zwaar gedupeerd. Vrijdagavond tijdens het concert van de wereldmeester Malvyn Tan, waar Rangel samen met de pianist een toegift speelde, werd in de parkeergarage ...
Datum: 31-10-2015 23:18 | Bron: Peel en Maas VenrayVrijdagavond is tijdens het concert van wereldmeester de pianist Malvyn Tan in Den Haag, waar de Venrayse pianist Rangel Silaev samen met Tan een toegiftstuk moest spelen in de parkeergarage Q-park Veerkaden Den Haag in de auto van de ouders van ...
Datum: 31-10-2015 23:07 | Bron: Omroep VenrayDr. Sookkyung Cho will be featured in a Guest Artist Recital at East Tennessee State University on Nov. 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the Mathes Hall auditorium. The Korean-born pianist, known for her personal, thoughtful, expressionist style, will present works ...
Datum: 31-10-2015 18:34 | Bron: Bristol Herald Courier (press release) (blog)Italian composer and classical pianist Ludovico Einaudi's 2015 album Elements is turning heads as the first classical-ish album to reach the top 15 in the country. Known for scoring the Doctor Zhivago miniseries, classical pianist Ludovico Einaudi tops ...
Datum: 31-10-2015 00:06 | Bron: ClassicaliteShocked and saddened to report the death of Ricci Horenstein, a noted concert pianist and outstanding piano teacher who sepnt the second half of her long life in London. A cousin of the great conductor Jascha Horenstein, Ricci fled Vienna just ahead of ...
Datum: 30-10-2015 20:11 | Bron: Slipped DiscBenjamin Grosvenor is 23, and has been a concert pianist more than half his life. He has been described by Gramophone magazine as perhaps "the most remarkable pianist of our time" and by London's Daily Telegraph as "electrifying" and showing ...
Datum: 30-10-2015 08:24 | Bron: Sydney Morning HeraldDe Syrische pianist Aeham Ahmad, bekend van zijn muziekoptredens in het Palestijnse verhongeringskamp Yarmouk, sloeg 2 augustus op de vlucht. De aanleiding was dat zijn piano in brand was gestoken door IS-strijders. Hij nam zijn vrouw en twee ...
Datum: 30-10-2015 02:01 | Bron: VolkskrantEen concertvleugel, een feeërieke kroonluchter en een pianist. Tot zover niets aan de hand. Hoewel? Alleen opkomen is al een hele toer voor 'pianist' Thomas Monckton. Met zijn cartooneske uiterlijk geeft hij de klassieke concertpraktijk een totaal ...
Datum: 30-10-2015 01:50 | Bron: Nieuws.nlBack then, the extroverted and wildly talented young Finnish pianist led the Trio Toykeat, and he's returned here over the years with a variety of other projects. On this tour, it's just Rantala and the piano – or two pianos, to be precise. The larger ...
Datum: 30-10-2015 01:39 | Bron: Sydney Morning HeraldThe pianist filmed and photographed every step of his expensive journey through Turkey, then Austria, until he reached Germany. Aehman's courage, and the way he chose to share it with the world, made him the darling of the media. He embodies the image ...
Datum: 29-10-2015 13:45 | Bron: Deutsche WelleRUINERWOLD – In de kerkdienst van zondag 25 oktober vierde het kerkkoor Con Amore van de Hervormde Gemeente te Ruinerwold te midden van veel aanwezigen haar 90e verjaardag. Con Amore zong vijf koorwerken. Dirigente Trijnie de Boer en het lid ...
Datum: 29-10-2015 11:18 | Bron: Das MooiHe tackles Monk's harder-than-hard "I Mean You" flawlessly, adding his own feel to the ever-shifting rhythmic patterns that most pianists find so confounding to interpret. Jerome Kern's beautiful 1939 melody for "All The Things You Are" is done Cedar ...
Datum: 29-10-2015 01:04 | Bron: ClassicaliteThere was a time, back when the movie “Shine” was all the rage, when Rachmaninoff's Third Piano Concerto acquired a reputation as the most difficult work in the repertoire. This was supposedly the one whose challenges to the soloist were so fiendish ...
Datum: 28-10-2015 19:25 | Bron: SFGateELBURG - De bekende mezzosopraan Maria Fiselier geeft zaterdag 31 oktober om 20.00 uur samen met pianist Peter Nilson een concert bij de familie Hutten aan de Beekstraat 38 in Elburg. Zij vertolken een gevarieerd repertoire aan liederen van onder ...
Datum: 28-10-2015 14:57 | Bron: De StentorThe 21-year-old pianist's upcoming album - a live recording of his performances at the 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition in Poland - was the top seller across all music genres at Kyobo Bookstore, the country's largest book seller, as ...
Datum: 28-10-2015 09:50 | Bron: The NationThe supreme court in Turkey yesterday annulled the conviction of Fazil Say for 'insulting' God and Islam. The court voted 4-1 that Fazil's tweets should be regarded as freedom of thought and expression and should not be punished with 10 months in jail.
Datum: 27-10-2015 23:29 | Bron: Slipped DiscAeham Ahmed, a young pianist, used to roam the desolate streets of Yarmouk refugee camp — described by the United Nations Secretary-General as the “deepest circle of hell” in Syria earlier this year. Aeham colored the bleak camp with his melodies.
Datum: 27-10-2015 19:38 | Bron: The Electronic IntifadaBarbara Garges didn't dream of being a teacher as a young college student, but that's exactly where life has led her, a career developed over a lifetime filled with musical experience. "I didn't know what else to do with piano," she said. Garges has ...
Datum: 27-10-2015 18:31 | Bron: Press & Sun-Bulletin