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Pianist nieuws (554)

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An award-winning pianist will be performing a free concert Saturday at the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts. Josu de Solaun will be playing classical pieces, ranging from Bach to Beethoven, at 2 p.m. at the Wilson Auditorium. "Audiences want to hear good ...

Datum: | Bron: Montgomery Advertiser

Het elektronisch kerkorgel bestaat al jaren, maar was en is voor liefhebbers geen alternatief voor het echte werk. Niet realistisch en gebrek aan sfeer en kerk-akoestiek. Die tijd is voorbij dankzij de bekende pianist en kerkorgel-liefhebber Jan Vayne ...

Datum: | Bron: RTV Oost

"Hij heeft alle factoren die een extreem goede pianist nodig heeft, in zich. Buiten zijn muzikale talent om, is hij ook ontzettend gedreven, heeft hij een onderscheidend gehoor, zelfs een absoluut gehoor. Evander heeft lichamelijke aanleg voor het ...

Datum: | Bron: RTV Oost

Pianist Arnaldo Cohen will play two Liszt concertos when the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra performs on Feb. 21-22. (handout). ×. Pianist Arnaldo Cohen will play two Liszt concertos when the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra performs on Feb. 21-22.

Datum: | Bron: The Columbian

DE FLINT Thomas Beijer is een jonge pianist die geprezen wordt om zijn excellente techniek en artistieke integriteit. In zijn studietijd werd Beijer verliefd op de zinderende Spaanse muziek en wijdt hij er dit keer een heel concert aan. Op zondag 22 ...

Datum: | Bron: DeStadAmersfoort.nl

“I am an Egyptian classical pianist,” he said in a press release. “To many, this may appear anomalous; I suspect that for most of the worldwide audience for this art form, Egyptian classical artists are a well-kept secret. However, Egypt was the first ...

Datum: | Bron: Classicalite

Though the fluency and directness of his playing had already marked him out as a pianist to watch, it was winning the Queen Elisabeth Piano Competition in Brussels two years ago that really kick-started Boris Giltburg's career. He has already released ...

Datum: | Bron: The Guardian

There's no American pianist quite like Richard Goode, who was in town Wednesday night for a concert at the Library of Congress. Nor is he the kind of musician who could have come from anywhere but America. Goode's training was a rich blend of many ...

Datum: | Bron: Washington Post

Acclaimed pianist Sean Chen will kick off this weekend's Chinese Lunar New Year celebration in a performance Friday, Feb. 20, at Santa Monica Place. Chen, who is being presented by the New West Symphony in collaboration with Santa Monica Place, will ...

Datum: | Bron: Santa Monica Daily Press

Pianist Jeremy Denk (a certified genius) is the guest soloist who will perform Bela Bartók's third piano concerto during the IRIS Orchestra's concert Saturday night. That genius business comes from Denk having been awarded a MacArthur “Genius Grant” in ...

Datum: | Bron: Memphis Commercial Appeal

FILE -- Emanuel Ax, the pianist, performs as part of Lincoln Center's White Light Festival, at Alice Tully Hall in New York, Nov. 4, 2012. Over the years the rigid protocol in classical music whereby solo performers, especially pianists, are expected ...

Datum: | Bron: Montreal Gazette

Op zondag 22 februari zal pianist Frederic Voorn een concert geven in de Dorpskerk te Bathmen. Frederic Voorn studeerde piano aan de conservatoria van Amsterdam en Utrecht bij Jan Huizing, Jan Wijn en Haakon Austbö. In 1987 behaalde hij in Utrecht ...

Datum: | Bron: Deventer Radio en Televisie

Cyril Nader, 17, started playing piano at the Tracey Steele Music Academy in Roxboro four years ago. On June 8, he took his Level 2 Royal Academy of Music exam. On Feb. 1, during a ceremony at Koerner Hall in Toronto, Nader was presented with a Royal ...

Datum: | Bron: Montreal Gazette

Pianist uses music to help those suffering from brain conditions. Pianist uses music to help those suffering from brain conditions. Legendary pianist Mike Garson took his talents from the stage to the studio to compose songs for people suffering from ...

Datum: | Bron: KABC-TV

Pianist András Schiff likes to encompass his activity in long-range exploratory projects, and now he's got a new one. With the completion of a two-year immersion in Bach's keyboard music, he has embarked on an examination of the last sonatas of four ...

Datum: | Bron: SFGate

Nicholas McCarthy is a classical pianist, and a great one. There are many classical pianists that do not come to the attention of the mainstream media, however, much less receive invitations to perform before a TV judging panel that includes Amanda Holden.

Datum: | Bron: The Independent

But her story is just as fascinating, not least because she began as a very promising concert pianist in the 1960s – after studying at the Royal Academy of Music with Harold Craxton and Liza Fuchsova – before misfortune blighted her career and she ...

Datum: | Bron: The Independent

For many accomplished pianists, music is a talent. But for Jiaxin Tian, the 27-year-old Steinway Artist and concert pianist from Beijing, music is in her genes. Born to a composer father and an opera-singer mother, Ms. Tian developed a passion for ...

Datum: | Bron: New York Observer

Katia Veekmans is de eerste Limburgse pianiste die doctor in de Kunsten wordt. Zij behaalde de titel aan de VUB met een onderzoek naar de waarneming van orkestklankkleuren onder invloed van het voorstellingsvermogen. Katia Veekmans: 'Er wordt ...

Datum: | Bron: De Standaard

The Roanoke Symphony's Masterworks season continued on Sunday afternoon with a program of Mozart, Vaughan Williams and Tchaikovsky conducted by David Stewart Wiley. A crowd of about 830 people filled Shaftman Hall at Jefferson Center. Featured ...

Datum: | Bron: Roanoke Times

Glover will perform a selection of Polish and Russian masterpieces, including Paderewski's Nocturne in B-flat and Variations in A major, Mussorgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition" and Chopin's 24 Preludes, Opus 28. The pianist will also share his ...

Datum: | Bron: Pleasanton Weekly

The couple, who were only reunited last May, had been engaged for just a month when the former concert pianist, from Tile Hill in Coventry, was told his cancer was terminal last August. But their marriage was written in the stars as they had dated 30 ...

Datum: | Bron: Mirror.co.uk

OGDEN — With a name like Carol, she was clearly destined for a life filled with music. Carol Joan Watkins Hurst, a local pianist, piano teacher and fierce supporter of the local cultural arts community, died Wednesday following a battle with lung cancer.

Datum: | Bron: Standard-Examiner

MANILA, Philippines - On November 21, 2013, Carlos Alberto Ibay sang before Pope Francis at the blessing of a mosaic image of Filipino Saint Pedro Calungsod, which was installed permanently in the Vatican. The young concert pianist and tenor is ...

Datum: | Bron: Philippine Star

On his way to becoming a concert pianist, Jonathan Biss managed to defy a lot of stereotypes. He wasn't a child prodigy. He didn't win any major competitions. Although he came from a family of professional musicians, his parents didn't push him into a ...

Datum: | Bron: Houston Chronicle
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