Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord pianist.
Pianist Hélène Grimaud returns to Davies Symphony Hall on February 15 and 16 with conductor Yannick Nézet-Séguin and the Rotterdam Philharmonic. The Sunday concert begins at 7 p.m. and features Brahms' Piano Concerto No. 1 and Tchaikovsky's ...
Datum: 06-02-2015 23:38 | Bron: Huffington PostGEORGE â A family that plays Celtic music and a 12-year-old pianist emerged as the winners in the adult and the youth categories, respectively, after the 5th annual Dixie's Got Talent Show Finale on Thursday evening to the 1,200-seat M.K. Cox ...
Datum: 06-02-2015 23:24 | Bron: St. George Daily SpectrumAmerican Modern Ensemble Presents 'BLUE' at SubCulture with Pianist Stephen Gosling and Blair McMillen, Works by Margaret Brouwer, Amanda Herberg, George Crumb and Frederic Rzweski ?
Datum: 06-02-2015 21:35 | Bron: ClassicaliteAldo Ciccolini, a pianist who combined virtuosity with elegant reserve and over more than six decades of performing drew acclaim for his interpretations of underappreciated compositions and composers, died at his home in Asnieres-sur-Seine, outside Paris.
Datum: 05-02-2015 14:13 | Bron: Washington PostHILVERSUM - In de concertserie Piano & Passie spelen vijf Nederlandse pianisten elk op zondag een pianorecital in het Hilversumse Muziekcentrum van de Omroep aan de Heuvellaan 33. Bijzonder aan deze concerten is, dat naast muziek ook een andere ...
Datum: 05-02-2015 10:08 | Bron: Dichtbij.nlKathryn Stott takes a break from playing in the Adam Chamber Music Festival to play the community piano outside Beggs, in Hardy St. Relevant offers. Kathryn Stott has played in hallowed concert halls across the globe but yesterday she sat down at a ...
Datum: 05-02-2015 02:21 | Bron: The Nelson MailPianist Kholodenko shows he's medal-worthy. Vadym Kholodenko, winner of the Cliburn Piano Competition in 2013, delivered solid, thoughtful work rather than showy bravura in recital at the University of Washington on Tuesday night. By Philippa Kiraly.
Datum: 04-02-2015 20:55 | Bron: The Seattle TimesAlgiers â Famous Italian pianist Christian Leotta gave Tuesday evening a concert in Algiers, fully dedicated to the works of Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), performed brilliantly and reflecting, about two centuries later, the composer's emotions and ...
Datum: 04-02-2015 15:52 | Bron: AllAfrica.comAldo Ciccolini, an Italian-born pianist who specialized in the music of French composers and was known in particular as a champion of Erik Satie, has died at his home outside Paris. He was 89. His manager, Paul Blacher, told Agence France-Presse that Mr.
Datum: 04-02-2015 05:55 | Bron: New York TimesItalian-French pianist Aldo Ciccolini looks on after he was awarded Commander of the Legion d'honneur, France's highest civil award, during a ceremony at the Elysee presidential palace March 14, 2012, in Paris. (Photo : Getty/Kenzo Tribouillard).
Datum: 03-02-2015 15:54 | Bron: ClassicaliteCritically acclaimed young pianist Gleb Ivanov will perform Franz Schubert's "Sonata in A major, D. 664, Op. 120" and "Sonata in A minor, D. 784" as well as Franz Liszt's "Consolations, S. 172" and "Sonata in B minor, S. 178" at 7:30 p.m. Saturday in ...
Datum: 03-02-2015 10:30 | Bron: Press & Sun-BulletinPHILADELPHIA'S reputation as a center of gospel music owed much to people like Irma Beattie Brown Coleman. Irma and the late David Collier formed United Gospel Singers, which performed at churches throughout the Philadelphia area and in other cities ...
Datum: 03-02-2015 09:06 | Bron: Philly.comFor a young pianist, winning a medal at the prestigious Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, held every four years, is something that can define the rest of your career. Beatrice Rana, born in Italy, started experiencing that firsthand in 2013 ...
Datum: 02-02-2015 23:33 | Bron: Fresno Beema 02/02/2015 - 22:30 Ludwig De Wolf De Amerikaanse pianist Joseph Alfidi is op 66-jarige leeftijd overleden. Het wonderkind uit de jaren 50 woonde al decennia in België. In 1972 eindigde hij op de derde plaats in de Koningin Elisabethwedstrijd voor ...
Datum: 02-02-2015 22:36 | Bron: VRT NieuwsDe Amerikaanse pianist Joseph Alfidi is in Brussel overleden na een lange ziekte. Dat meldt zijn vriend en begeleider Georges Blau-Turner. Alfidi werd 66 jaar. Alfidi, geboren in New York, was ook componist en dirigent. Hij woonde al lang in België ...
Datum: 02-02-2015 22:32 | Bron: De Morgen"I climbed up on the piano one day and played 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' by ear," said the 22-year-old Mississauga pianist. "It helped that at home I was surrounded by music." Born in Hong Kong, Choi remembers the many students coming to the home ...
Datum: 02-02-2015 22:23 | Bron: Waterloo RecordA concert pianist with terminal cancer is in a race against time to marry his fiancee after being reunited with her after 30 years apart - by tying the knot on Valentine's Day. Tragic Paul Williamson plans to marry Anne Hope at the church where his own ...
Datum: 02-02-2015 14:06 | Bron: Mirror.co.ukThe concert is called âChopin in Barboursvilleâ and features international pianist Ingolf Wunder from Austria. The DuPont Gallery at Montpelier was packed with people who were eager to hear Wunder play. Wunder started piano at 14-years-old and never ...
Datum: 02-02-2015 01:15 | Bron: The Charlottesville NewsplexIn 1950 vertrok hij naar Parijs om te studeren bij pianiste Marguerite Long, die hem kennis liet maken met het werk van de Franse impressionisten Satie, Ravel en Debussy. Vooral als vertolker van die muziek vergaarde Ciccolini wereldfaam, maar zijn ...
Datum: 02-02-2015 00:01 | Bron: Telegraaf.nlDe Goldbergvariaties vergen grote techniek en virtuositeit en weinig pianisten durven zich eraan te wagen. Jan-Willem Rozenboom is elf jaar bezig geweest met de compositie van Bach en brengt nu zijn vertolking uit op CD. De klassiek geschoolde pianist ...
Datum: 01-02-2015 22:56 | Bron: Radio 1His band is renowned for some of the most aggressive and explosive heavy metal shows on the planet, but Sid Wilson showed a far softer side to his personality when he turned up unannounced to enjoy an evening of jazz at Sheffield, England's Cubana ...
Datum: 01-02-2015 20:53 | Bron: BLABBERMOUTH.NETDer französische Pianist Aldo Ciccolini ist im Alter von 89 Jahren gestorben. Der Musiker italienischen Ursprungs, der als Wiederentdecker des Komponisten Erik Satie gilt, starb in der Nacht auf gestern in der Nähe von Paris, wie die französische ...
Datum: 01-02-2015 18:03 | Bron: ORF.atFrench piano virtuoso, Aldo Ciccolini, has died at the age of 89 after a long battle with illness. The French pianist died overnight on Sunday at his home in the French capital, Paris, said his manager, Paul Blacher, on the same day. Ciccolini, who had ...
Datum: 01-02-2015 16:57 | Bron: Press TVSam Howard, originally of Fairfield, Ala., became a concert pianist who played in the great concert halls of Europe and at Carnegie Hall in New York. He married Miss Alabama 1961 Delores Hodgens Howard, who died Oct. 24, 2014. She was 77.
Datum: 01-02-2015 13:30 | Bron: AL.comWe regret to share news of the death of Aldo Ciccolini, the French-Italian pianist who commanded classical repertoire on EMI in the 1960s and 70s. A Neapolitan of aristocratic family, he was reduced to playing in bars after the War until a 1949 Long ...
Datum: 01-02-2015 11:40 | Bron: Slipped Disc