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The Frankenpiano electronically connects two grand pianos to a console with two keyboards. The pianist plays the console, which activates the two pianos, to sometimes startling, ventriloquial effect, as when pressing a single key sounds an entire chord.

Datum: | Bron: Wall Street Journal

The first disc is framed by Thomas's two utterly different realisations of Wolff's For Pianist, of 1959, which he calls “one of the most extreme instances of indeterminate music to have emerged from that period.” The second disc is occupied by the 96 ...

Datum: | Bron: The Guardian

Carolyn Bridger, a founding member of the Tallahassee Symphony Orchestra, was killed yesterday in a road smash in Michigan. A formidable ensemble player, she studied at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, where she won the prestigious Schubert Prize for ...

Datum: | Bron: Slipped Disc

Pianist Carolyn Bridger, who was the principal keyboardist with the Tallahassee Symphony Orchestra and a former faculty member at the Florida State College of Music, died in an auto accident in Traverse City, Mich., on Tuesday morning. "Carolyn was ...

Datum: | Bron: Tallahassee.com

A performance this weekend by British pianist Leon McCawley was another strong offering in the Phillips Collection's excellent Sunday concert series. Although there could have been a bit more range in the program, which featured Beethoven, Mendelssohn, ...

Datum: | Bron: Washington Post

De vermaarde sopraan Irene Verburg, begeleid door pianist Mark Toxopeus, brengt prachtige liederen ten gehore. Tijdens dit koffieconcert zult u het warm krijgen, met liefdesliederen uit Spanje en Frankrijk. Verburg en Toxopeus brengen een afwisselend ...

Datum: | Bron: DeStadAmersfoort.nl

De vermaarde sopraan Irene Verburg brengt, begeleid door pianist Mark Toxopeus, prachtige liederen ten gehore. Tijdens dit koffieconcert zult u het warm krijgen, met liefdesliederen uit Spanje en Frankrijk. Verburg en Toxopeus brengen een afwisselend ...

Datum: | Bron: LeusderKrant.nl

Chinese pianist Lang Lang is considered one of the greatest prodigies in the world of classical music and is currently in Barcelona to attend the closing of a camp for young performers organised by his Foundation. While in the city, he came to Camp Nou ...

Datum: | Bron: FC Barcelona

A composer who claims to be the world's fastest pianist says tickling the ivories quicker than the human ear can hear is a surefire route to nirvana. Ukrainian Lubomyr Melnyk is working his fingers at a dizzying 19.5 notes per second, and reckons the ...

Datum: | Bron: The Japan Times

It transforms this giggling teenager into an intense and focused pianist, preparing for a very important performance. "Upcoming is my Carnegie Hall debut, I'm so excited," Loffredo said. Already an international protege award winner, Rita will perform ...

Datum: | Bron: TWC News

Melnyk says classical pianists are often gripped by fear ahead of a performance because each piece has to be note perfect. But he claims this is not a problem for him. "In continuous music you can't make a mistake because you are living the music with ...

Datum: | Bron: Telegraph.co.uk

Melnyk says classical pianists are often gripped by fear ahead of a performance because each piece has to be note perfect. But he claims this is not a problem for him. "In continuous music you can't make a mistake because you are living the music with ...

Datum: | Bron: Telegraph.co.uk

“They think that because things are happening earlier, faster, or quicker, or pianists can play with more facility and more velocity, that it's astounding. “It's not necessarily astounding; it's only astounding technically, as a physical fact. “If you ...

Datum: | Bron: U-T San Diego

The Westport pianist will play a 19th-century musical marvel, wrote Chiu last week in an email interview. The Beethoven work was written for full orchestra and piano soloist. But Hungarian composer/pianist Ferenc Liszt, the equivalent of a modern "rock ...

Datum: | Bron: CT Post

The auditorium's magnificent Hamburg Steinway is ideal for Monteiro's beautiful scores and the intimate environment will provide an entertaining evening with an internationally-renowned pianist,” said Shane Granger, marketing director for the Armstrong ...

Datum: | Bron: Edmond Sun

MONTEVALLO, Alabama -- The University of Montevallo is hosting world-acclaimed pianist William DeVan for a concert starting at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday in the LeBaron Recital Hall on campus. DeVan is a graduate of the Juilliard School of Music who holds ...

Datum: | Bron: AL.com

Leaks from the Bonn investigation into the tragic murder of Kate de Marcken reveal that the suspect has confessed to digging a forest grave for her during the summer. Kate's husband, a Beethoven Orchestra cellist named as Sergey K, is being held in ...

Datum: | Bron: Slipped Disc

Mario Ajero, professor of piano at Stephen F. Austin state university in Texas, has a problem. His 10 year-old son, Antonio, also a pianist made a recording of himself with public-domain orchestra accompaniment. Sweet. Then he posted it on Youtube.

Datum: | Bron: Slipped Disc

Zaterdagavond heeft de Mariam Batsashvili uit Georgië in Utrecht de Eerste Prijs op het 10de Internationaal Franz Liszt Pianoconcours gewonnen. De Internationale Jury, bij monde van Joop Daalmeijer, maakte tijdens de Finale Gala-avond van het ...

Datum: | Bron: Blik op Nieuws

Turkish classical pianist-composer Fazıl Say will launch his newest album, a collection of his compositions for solo piano, with a concert next week in İstanbul. The album, “Say Plays Say,” in which the musician performs his works that mark important ...

Datum: | Bron: Cihan News Agency

Kleine en grotere optredens volgen met o.a. de bekende pianist Cor Bakker en band in theater Cool in Heerhugowaard, huiskamerconcerten en openingen. Ook heeft ze haar medewerking verleend aan de theatervoorstelling 'Vensters op een Huwelijk' in ...

Datum: | Bron: Dichtbij.nl

She was Kate de Marcken, 50, an American-born pianist who grew up in Belgium and was married to a player in the Beethoven Orchestra. Her husband, unnamed, has been arrested and charged with her murder. When he first reported her missing, ...

Datum: | Bron: Slipped Disc

A woman named by police as 'Katherine M', was reported missing in Pittersdorf, near Bonn, two weeks ago. Her body was found yesterday afternoon, buried in a forest along the river Ahr, near Dümpelfeld. Her husband reportedly led the police to the site ...

Datum: | Bron: Slipped Disc

Woensdag bracht de Frans-Oekraïnse pianist Mikhail Rudy beeldmateriaal op muziek van Moessorgski en Janácek. Dit concert kaderde in de reeks Muziek en scène waarbij de dialoog tussen muziek en andere kunstvormen voor Muziekcentrum De Bijloke ...

Datum: | Bron: Het Nieuwsblad

With composers Franz Schubert and Joseph Haydn in common, back-to-back concerts at Bates College's Olin Arts Center Concert Hall feature renowned pianist Frank Glazer and the Bates College Orchestra. Artist-in-residence Glazer performs music by ...

Datum: | Bron: Bates Magazine
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