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Pianist nieuws (567)

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My album of the week on sinfinimusic.com is by an outstanding pianist whose record career hit a brick wall when her label, EMI Classics, was carved up in a corporate manoeuvre set in motion by European monopoly rules. Several fine artists have never ...

Datum: | Bron: Slipped Disc

We understand that compositions by the outspoken pianist Fazil Say have been removed from next season's Ankara programmes by order of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. State-funded orchestras are obliged to submit concert plans for approval to the ...

Datum: | Bron: Slipped Disc

Lest anyone doubt it, listen to these superb new discs by European jazz pianists – 39-year-old Polish pianist Marcin Wasilewski and the majestic 65-year-old jazz piano veteran Enrico Pieranunzi. The very first piece on Wasilewski's “Spark of Life,” is ...

Datum: | Bron: Buffalo News

Pianist Cristine Coyiuto and conductor Josefino “Chino” Toledo of the Metro Manila Concert Orchestra (MMCO) will forge tandem again in Gershwin's Piano Concerto in F on Nov. 28, Friday, 8 p.m. at the Audi Global City Auditorium on 11th Ave., Bonifacio ...

Datum: | Bron: Inquirer.net

The audience was hooked from the moment the pianist came on stage, and stayed with him all the way. There was applause after the long first movement (where Tchaikovsky surely expected applause), and the crowd virtually exploded at the concerto's end, ...

Datum: | Bron: STLtoday.com

The Yellow Label is sounding very pleased by its latest signing. Grigory Sokolov, 64, a byword among pianopholes, refuses to perform with orchestras and will not play on a piano that is more than five years old. It has been 22 years since he last made ...

Datum: | Bron: Slipped Disc

CARBONDALE -- The Southern Illinois University Carbondale School of Music will welcome collaborative pianist Martin Katz for an artist residency-on-campus Nov. 2 to 4. Katz's visit focuses on teaching and culminates with a recital at 7:30 p.m. on Nov.

Datum: | Bron: The Southern

An architect has created a dream house in a former city garden for a pianist and her two grand pianos. The pianist, who sold her previous home to fund the replacement of a lean-to in her garden, commissioned David Sheppard Architects to create a ...

Datum: | Bron: Classical-Music.com (blog)

I recently had the chance to listen to pianist Chad Lawson's new album, The Chopin Variations. In this work, Lawson and fellow musicians, violinist Judy Kang and cellist Rubin Kodheli, explore Chopin's original pieces while adding their own sense of ...

Datum: | Bron: Huffington Post

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Guest artist David Kim will perform fortepiano sonatas by Mozart and Beethoven on a replica 1795 piano in recital at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 19, in Esber Recital Hall. The recital complements the course work of Music 462W, ...

Datum: | Bron: Penn State News

After the German-born pianist gives a recital this weekend for the Candlelight Concert Society, he'll head off for engagements in Europe. He'll be back there in November, then again in December, when he'll play with the famed Berlin Philharmonic just a ...

Datum: | Bron: Baltimore Sun

After the German-born pianist gives a recital this weekend for the Candlelight Concert Society, he'll head off for engagements in Europe. He'll be back there in November, then again in December, when he'll play with the famed Berlin Philharmonic just a ...

Datum: | Bron: Baltimore Sun

In de Doelen werd het oor heen en weer geslingerd tussen 'nee nee nee!' en 'ja ja ja!' Door: Guido van Oorschot 14 oktober 2014, 02:33. 0. Artikel bewaren Artikel bewaren. 0 + 0 + 0 = 0. Ivo Pogorelich heeft in Nederland nog altijd fans. Met elkaar ...

Datum: | Bron: Volkskrant

Last heard at Bates in 2007, Roberts is a pianist and composer who is equally accomplished in jazz and classical music. His deep respect for the contributions of the great musical masters has engendered his highly innovative and original approach to ...

Datum: | Bron: Bates Magazine

LEBANON, Indiana — Police say a singer and pianist with a Christian musical group was killed when its RV crashed over the weekend on a highway in central Indiana. The Boone County Sheriff's Department says 61-year-old Roy Bray of Trenton, Kentucky, ...

Datum: | Bron: The Tribune

Thanks to YouTube, I managed to hear Codispoti playing most of this program and I have to admit to being wonderfully impressed — not by his technical agility, which is something one can almost take for granted in a young pianist, but by what I can ...

Datum: | Bron: Noozhawk

Walkout pianist issues apology. October 11, 2014 by norman lebrecht. 3 comments. End of the Monza saga. pascal roge 2. Date: October 9th 2014. Message to Rina Sala Gallo Competition. I got carried away by my emotions and by the deep impression some ...

Datum: | Bron: Slipped Disc

In oktober 2009 verhuisde pianist Ivo Janssen naar een voormalig munitieschip in het centrum van Amsterdam. Vanaf de allereerste bezichtiging van deze woonboot, met zijn robuuste, zeewaardige betonnen romp en zware eikenhouten opbouw, was ...

Datum: | Bron: Nieuwsbank (persbericht) (abonnement)

Surely he was not playing with a pianist, but to a playback track that went wrong. He may not even have heard the track because of a monitor speaker/headphone failure. The guys in the studio probably said “go” and the violinist thought he was playing ...

Datum: | Bron: Slipped Disc

KITCHENER — Growing up in Edmonton, pianist Todd Yaniw had been deeply inspired by the old piano in his family's living room though no one had any idea those yellowed keys would lead to such a successful career. Yaniw made his debut with the ...

Datum: | Bron: Waterloo Record

Muziek, bijvoorbeeld. Sinds een paar weken staat op Amsterdam Centraal een piano waar iedereen op mag spelen. En dat gebeurt ook, massaal. Met als lichtend voorbeeld een pianist, een zangeres en een danser die gisteren spontaan samen optraden.

Datum: | Bron: nrc.nl

Het wereldrecord pianospelen gaat eraan, als het aan de Rotterdamse pianoleraar Art Zegelaar ligt. Hij doet op 26 december op de toren Euromast in Rotterdam een poging om 108 uur achter elkaar de toetsen van zijn piano te bespelen. Het record staat nu ...

Datum: | Bron: Het Laatste Nieuws

Het wereldrecord pianospelen gaat eraan, als het aan de Rotterdamse pianoleraar Art Zegelaar ligt. Hij doet op 26 december op de Euromast in Rotterdam een poging om 108 uur achter elkaar de toetsen van zijn piano te bespelen. Het record staat nu nog ...

Datum: | Bron: AD.nl

The son of pianist Rudolf Serkin and grandson of violinist Adolf Busch, Serkin was one of the more prominent names the orchestra had lined up for the season. In July, world famous violinist Midori also canceled her scheduled Florida Orchestra ...

Datum: | Bron: Tampabay.com

The first full Whatcom Symphony Orchestra concert of the season, “Romance at the Piano,” features renowned pianist Spencer Myer performing Chopin's lush second Piano Concerto at 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 12, at Mount Baker Theatre, 104 N. Commercial St.

Datum: | Bron: Bellingham Herald
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