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Pianist Helen Roberts will be performing with the Treorchy Male Choir in Bath later this month. The Trowbridge- born musician will be accompanist at the concert at Bath Abbey on September 27, which will also feature the Bath Male Choir whose founder ...
Datum: 08-09-2014 07:19 | Bron: Bath ChronicleCHAMBERSBURG >> Israeli pianist Efi Hackmey kicks off the Wilson College 2014-15 Performing Arts Series with a free concert of classical music at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 19, in Thomson Hall's Alumnae Chapel. A soloist, recitalist and chamber musician, ...
Datum: 07-09-2014 23:18 | Bron: Chambersburg Public OpinionWhen Mona Golabek takes the stage to perform the solo show “The Pianist of Willesden Lane,” she's not simply telling a story. She is also, as becomes abundantly (and movingly) clear, keeping a promise. It's a promise that has resounded through three ...
Datum: 07-09-2014 22:15 | Bron: U-T San DiegoAt nine years of age Bolivian boy Jose Andre Montanho is already developing a fan base, playing gigs around Latin America – showing off skills that are all the more remarkable because he is blind. Jazz singer Vero Perez said: 'He plays in such a way ...
Datum: 07-09-2014 09:09 | Bron: The GuardianThe pianist is an unabashed romantic following in the sequined shoes of Liberace. “What it really means is we don't play by the standard rules of classical music,” he said in a telephone interview from his New York home. “We put our own personality ...
Datum: 07-09-2014 08:09 | Bron: Albuquerque JournalFLINT, MI -- Flint School of Performing Arts faculty member Ina Yoon will perform piano at 7 p.m., Friday, Sept. 19 in the MacArthur Recital Hall at the Flint Institute of Music. As soloist, Yoon will perform well-known Nocturnes and Etudes by Chopin ...
Datum: 07-09-2014 03:03 | Bron: The Flint JournalLast night at Davies Symphony Hall the San Francisco Symphony (SFS) gave their first subscription concert. The soloist was the young pianist Benjamin Grosvenor, making his debut in Davies. He had previously made his Bay Area debut as a recitalist with ...
Datum: 06-09-2014 18:19 | Bron: Examiner.comIn a programme entitled Piano Music of three cultures: Russia, Ukraine, Ireland, the young Ukrainian-born Irish domiciled pianist Svetlana Rudenko states in her pre-concert blurb that 'Field sowed the seeds of the Russian melodic piano style, with its ...
Datum: 06-09-2014 03:33 | Bron: Irish IndependentThe 22-year-old English pianist Benjamin Grosvenor arrived in Davies Symphony Hall on Thursday night amid a cloud of breathless plaudits from his homeland and elsewhere. His dexterous and eloquent performance of Ravel's G-Major Piano Concerto with ...
Datum: 06-09-2014 00:15 | Bron: SFGateConrad Tao, not your run-of-the-mill youth, indeed. (Photo : Lauren Farmer/ConradTao.com). As far as youthful talent goes, many, many pale in comparison to Conrad Tao: pianist, composer, festival entrepreneur, major label recording artist and, most ...
Datum: 05-09-2014 22:16 | Bron: ClassicaliteDo you have an old musical instrument lying around the house? If you do then maybe you could give it to primary school. Classical pianist, James Rhodes, has started a new musical campaign. He wants every child in England and Wales to have access to a ...
Datum: 05-09-2014 17:55 | Bron: CBBC NewsroundAmerican pianist Andrew Staupe is rapidly emerging as one of the most outstanding artists of his generation. In 2012 Andrew made his Carnegie Hall debut to critical acclaim, in which New York Concert Review raved "Staupe gave a brilliant performance, ...
Datum: 04-09-2014 21:44 | Bron: THV 11Toronto - From the peak of his career to his death in 1982, Glenn Gould was a baffling enigma as much as he was a classical-music superstar. As many artistic geniuses were, from Picasso to Salinger, the Toronto pianist could be eccentric and difficult.
Datum: 04-09-2014 20:40 | Bron: DigitalJournal.comPianist prodigy plays Asheville breast cancer benefit. The 2nd Annual World Masterwork Series Benefit Concert returns to the Diana Wortham Theatre Sept. 6, and will feature 14-year-old Christopher Tavernier on the piano. Loading… Post to Facebook.
Datum: 04-09-2014 20:10 | Bron: Asheville Citizen-TimesMona, a concert pianist in her own right, realized that she wanted to tell her mother's journey while debuting Lisa's favorite musical piece 'The Grieg concerto.' “I started to write it down. She saw me writing it, I interviewed her and the people in ...
Datum: 03-09-2014 17:00 | Bron: San Diego Free PressDe Aalsterse pianist-dirigent Tom Deneckere, die zich waagt op 6 september aan 'Vexations' van Erik Satie, een vroeg-minimalistisch muziekstuk dat liefst 17 uur duurt. Nooit eerder speelde een muzikant dit stuk in zijn eentje uit. 'Het is een werk van ...
Datum: 03-09-2014 08:46 | Bron: Het NieuwsbladThe presentation of the $1,500 award was made to the gifted young pianist recently by Lisa Young, Esq., vice president of the Orchestra, in the Madison studio of Nicolas' teacher and mentor for the past six years, pianist Paul Zeigler. It will help him ...
Datum: 02-09-2014 22:33 | Bron: Independent PressBut Kathleen Supove isn't that kind of pianist. Born in Portland, living in Brooklyn, she's become something of a figure in New York's downtown music scene. "The Exploding Piano" is simply a reference to her tendency to redefine the traditional piano ...
Datum: 02-09-2014 22:14 | Bron: The Oregonian - OregonLive.comPianist Eric Himy of Washington, D.C., will perform a program including works by Ravel, Rachmaninov and Gershwin during the first in a new series of three Guest Artist Recitals presented by the Northwest Florida Symphony Orchestra during the 2014-15 ...
Datum: 02-09-2014 21:05 | Bron: Crestview News BulletinThe listener can follow his development from early romantic works, to such experimental pieces as Koto Music II (in which the pianist plucks the piano strings) and his adaptation of an Arnhem Land song in Djilile. “There were some pieces I had never ...
Datum: 02-09-2014 16:06 | Bron: The AustralianDe in Groenhof wonende pianist Ad van der Gein, die donderdag (28 augustus) op 92-jarige leeftijd overleed, wordt zaterdag 6 september herdacht door het Bolderkoor. Dat gebeurt tijdens de korendag in winkelcentrum Groenhof. Van der Gein was ...
Datum: 02-09-2014 11:13 | Bron: Blog.nl (Blog)In a new series on Channel 4 world-renowned classical pianist James Rhodes asks families in Britain to donate old musical instruments left languishing in cupboards to those who need them. Rhodes says music education in the UK has been “decimated”, ...
Datum: 02-09-2014 10:08 | Bron: The Guardian (blog)It just wouldn't happen in a million years," says the classical pianist and TV presenter James Rhodes in his new series Don't Stop the Music. He's standing in the hall at Roysia middle school in Hertfordshire watching pupils perform a number from the ...
Datum: 02-09-2014 08:55 | Bron: The GuardianRUISELEDE - Op 8 september 1944 overwonnen de Poolse troepen na zware gevechten het Duitse leger in Ruiselede. In 2014 wordt dit bevrijdingsoffensief met onder meer een recital van de Poolse pianist Mateusz Borowiak op 7 september in de ...
Datum: 02-09-2014 07:00 | Bron: Het NieuwsbladThere was a 10 piece band and Wick was the pianist. "They brought the big stars in those days," he said. He's played with and for Mel Torme ("The Christmas Song"), Fats Domino, Tony Martin, Cyd Charisse, Patti Page, Rosemary Clooney, The Ink Spots, ...
Datum: 31-08-2014 21:35 | Bron: TheNewsTribune.com