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Pianist nieuws (583)

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It's not easy to make a living as a concert pianist, but St. Louis native Ingrid Jacoby is doing just that. Jacoby makes her home in London these days, but she grew up in Olivette, Mo. and went to Ladue High School—for at least part of the day. By the ...

Datum: | Bron: St. Louis Public Radio

Japanese pianist Makoto Ozone came to classical music late in life. A celebrated jazz musician who gained notice as a student at Berklee College of Music in the early 1980s, when vibraphonist Gary Burton recruited him for a series of acclaimed ...

Datum: | Bron: SFGate

Ansel Elgort, the dreamy male lead in The Fault in our Stars, had been cast as popular 1950s pianist Van Cliburn, who won the prestigious International Tchaikovsky Competition at age 23. An American embraced by the Russians, Van Cliburn was considered ...

Datum: | Bron: NewNowNext

Following up on a busy season of concertizing, which also included the release of her Wild Dreams solo album, pianist Joyce Yang will spend the summer performing concertos both with the New York Philharmonic and at the Aspen Music Festival. Her stay at ...

Datum: | Bron: Examiner.com

Earlier this week Crystal City Entertainment announced an upcoming movie about international pianist and former Kilgore resident Van Cliburn. At just 12 years old Cliburn won a statewide piano competition. In 1958, in the midst of Cold War tension ...

Datum: | Bron: KETK

Vanaf de oprichting van het koor in 2000 was hij de vaste pianist. Door zijn drukke werkzaamheden is het voor hem helaas onmogelijk geworden om zijn werk en begeleiding van het koor te combineren. Bij monde van de voorzitter hebben de leden hun ...

Datum: | Bron: Kontakt

The son of jazz pianist, Minaru Ozone, he appeared on Japanese television at the age of six. An alumnus of the Berklee College of Music, Makoto made his Carnegie Hall debut in 1983. In April 2014, The New York Times wrote, "Ozone showed how much ...

Datum: | Bron: Examiner.com

Presented by D&M Music Studio, the recital will feature works by Debussy, Chopin, Albeniz, Ginastera, Rossini, Liszt and Rendano. It will be held at Goethe Institute, Sathon Soi 1, on July 11 at 8pm. In 2009, Caruso won special mention at the Ibla ...

Datum: | Bron: Bangkok Post

Chinese pianist Moye Chen was awarded the gold medal in the final round of the World Piano Competition on Saturday night in Corbett Auditorium at the University of Cincinnati. The 30-year-old pianist, who is currently pursuing a doctorate at the ...

Datum: | Bron: Cincinnati.com

LOS ANGELES (CNS) – A renowned pianist is suing the owners of the Egyptian Theatre, alleging she suffered a permanent injury when the tip of her left middle finger was severed after being caught in a defective restroom door. Lucinda Carver filed the ...

Datum: | Bron: San Marino Tribune

That's what a friend whispered to me as pianist Read Gainsford wound up his Thursday evening recital in Auer Hall with the nine Etudes-tableaux, Opus 39, of Sergei Rachmaninoff. That surely didn't mean there were too many notes for the remarkably deft ...

Datum: | Bron: The Herald-Times (subscription)

On the final day of the 2014 Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival, Stephanie Trick brought the old-school, infrequently performed jazz style of "stride piano" to Hatch Recital Hall. This distinctive genre refers specifically to the early 20th ...

Datum: | Bron: Rochester Democrat and Chronicle (blog)

(from left), Carlotta Paige, Racial Justice Committee and Board Member, pianist, Patricia Prattis Jennings, the evening's guest speaker, Marcia Pratt, YWCA Racial Justice Committee Chair, and Kathy Raunikar, YWCA Westmoreland County Executive Director, ...

Datum: | Bron: Tribune-Review

Sela pianist Adrian Roest docent bij Elevate. 29-06-2014 19:41. LEZERSNIEUWS Door: Elevate 0 reacties. Vanaf september wordt Creative Arts School Elevate een nieuwe docent rijker. Adrian Roest, toetsenist van de bekende band Sela, wordt toegevoegd ...

Datum: | Bron: Veenendaalse Krant

Some time ago, I stopped waking up to the morning news on television. What a discouraging way to wake up and get the day started. Invariably, morning after morning, the first 20 minutes of the news show would be about human damage done within the ...

Datum: | Bron: San Francisco Bay View

A four-legged pianist performs on the boardwalk. Posted: Sunday, June 29, 2014 12:37 AM EDT. Updated: Sunday, June 29, 2014 12:47 AM EDT. Well, it's not something you see everyday on the Atlantic City Boardwalk. Earlier Saturday afternoon outside of ...

Datum: | Bron: NBC40

Washington, D.C. (TADIAS) — Ethiopian pianist and composer Girma Yifrashewa will celebrate the release of his new solo piano album, Love and Peace, with a live performance on July 30th at Bethesda Blues and Jazz Supper Club in Bethesda, Maryland.

Datum: | Bron: Tadias Magazine

The pianist Jeremy Denk has canceled his Sunday recital at the Rockport Chamber Music Festival because of the death of his father on Saturday. A spokesperson said that the festival is hoping to reschedule the concert later in the summer. Denk, who won ...

Datum: | Bron: Boston Globe

The third annual Thirsty Ear Festival in Chicago promises adventurous new music played by Austin-based composer and pianist Graham Reynolds, new works for brass by the Gaudete Brass Quintet, and a set from the Fonema Consort enlivened by voice ...

Datum: | Bron: Classicalite

Pianist en componist Jeroen van Vliet heeft de Buma Boy Edgarprijs gewonnen. Hij mag 's lands belangrijkste prijs op het gebied van jazz en geïmproviseerde muziek in december in ontvangst nemen, zo werd vrijdag bekendgemaakt tijdens de Jazzdag in ...

Datum: | Bron: Telegraaf.nl

Acclaimed jazz vocalist Sara Gazarek and pianist-composer-arranger Josh Nelson visit with Jazz Currents host Keith Hall in WMUK's Takeda performance studio, for an hour of songs and conversation on a range of topics, including the song writing process, ...

Datum: | Bron: WMUK

De Buma Boy Edgarprijs 2014 is gewonnen door pianist en componist Jeroen van Vliet (49). Hij nam vandaag de prestigieuze Nederlandse jazzprijs in ontvangst tijdens de Jazzdag in Rotterdam. De prijs bestaat uit een cheque van 12.500 euro, een plastiek ...

Datum: | Bron: nrc.nl

De Buma Boy Edgarprijs gaat dit jaar naar pianist en componist Jeroen van Vliet. De jazzmuzikant wint een plastiek van Jan Wolkers en 12.500 euro. Van Vliet krijgt de prijs op 14 december in het Bimhuis in Amsterdam uitgereikt. Als onderdeel van de ...

Datum: | Bron: Nederlands Dagblad (abonnement)

De wisseltrofee van Jan Wolkers en een geldbedrag van € 12.500 gaan naar pianist en componist Jeroen van Vliet. 'Hij behoort tot de paar grote dichters van de Nederlandse geïmproviseerde muziek. Een warm persoon die zich nooit laat verleiden om in ...

Datum: | Bron: Muziek & Theater Paradijs

Hiromi moved to the U.S. to study at Boston's Berklee College of Music, the same school that nurtured Spalding. A professor of hers took a demo tape she had recorded to legendary jazz pianist Ahmad Jamal. He helped her get a recording contract before ...

Datum: | Bron: New York Daily News
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