Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord pianist.
Congratulations to Margaryta Golovko, winner of the inaugural Midwest International Piano Competition! After competing this past week with nineteen other pianists in the senior division from eleven different countries, Margaryta is the winner of a $10 ...
Datum: 08-06-2014 05:31 | Bron: Iowa Public RadioIn its 12th year, the Southeastern Piano Festival may have scored its greatest coup yet. Legendary pianist Leon Fleisher will present three admission-free master classes as well as a guest lecture for the Columbia-based festival, which takes place June ...
Datum: 08-06-2014 04:37 | Bron: Greenville NewsOne of the world's Russian prominent pianists Arcadi Volodos plans to have a performance in Iran mid June. The concert is scheduled for June 13-14 in Mild Tower. His piano is going to be transferred to Iran from Dubai in coming days. www.volodos.com.
Datum: 07-06-2014 20:01 | Bron: PayvandThat's where the great pianist André Watts fronted Ludwig van Beethoven's celebrated “Emperor” concerto with dignity and a powerful grace, helping the Omaha Symphony and Music Director Thomas Wilkins tie a ribbon on a memorable 2013-14 concert ...
Datum: 07-06-2014 10:34 | Bron: Omaha World-HeraldThat was the premise behind Thursday night's concert at the Freer Gallery, when the pianist Gilles Vonsattel performed music by Western composers that would have been performed in late 19th-century Japan, when the artist Kobayashi Kiyochika was ...
Datum: 06-06-2014 19:29 | Bron: Washington PostDELFT - Ray Skjelbred & The Swing Express treden dinsdag 10 juni om 21.00 uur op in Jazzclub The Five. Ondanks zijn Scandinavische naam komt Ray Skjelbred uit Washington. Deze allround pianist speelde in zijn lange carrière met grootheden als Turk ...
Datum: 05-06-2014 04:12 | Bron: dé WeekkrantOp zondagmiddag 1 juni 2014 is er weer een live concert in La Basque om 15:00 – 17:00 uur. Deze keer een solo concert van zowel klassieke- als jazz pianist Maurits Roes. Ook is er, al vanaf 11.00uur, in de naast gelegen Prinsenstraat, op het Kerkplein ...
Datum: 23-05-2014 04:11 | Bron: dé Weekkrant